Alzheimers Disease

Current news about Alzheimer’s Disease with an emphasis on how it relates to diabetes, metabolic diseases, insulin resistance and more.

Popular Diabetes Medication Also Lowers Risk of Dementia

People with diabetes have a greater risk of developing dementia than non-diabetics. Now, a study shows that a popular diabetes medication has the added...
Blood Test for Alzheimers Disease

New Blood Test to Better Diagnose Alzheimer’s Discovered

Breakthrough discovery - a blood test that improves the accuracy of Alzheimer's disease diagnosis in order to better tailor appropriate treatment.
Dimenta Risk due to Insulin Resistance

Insulin Resistance Speeds Up Cognitive Decline, Dimentia

Researchers report that executive function and memory are particularly vulnerable to the effects of insulin resistance, which may increase the risk of dimentia later...
Photo of people walking - which can help with type 2 diabetes

Memory Impairment and Type 2 Diabetes: Exercise Helps

Researchers have found that moderate exercise may improve hippocampal memory dysfunction caused by type 2 diabetes and that enhanced transport of lactate to neurons...

Diabetes Linked to Brain Tangles, Separate from Alzheimer’s Disease

People with type 2 diabetes have double the risk of developing dementia, and this new development shows how the diseases may be linked without...

Key Action of a Gene Linked to Both Alzheimer’s Disease and Type 2 Diabetes...

A research team has identified the mechanism behind a single gene linked to the causes of both Alzheimer's disease and Type 2 diabetes.
Photo of Focused Person: Easy Solution to Higher Brain Function, Delay of Dementia

Study: Easy Solution to Higher Brain Function, Delay of Dementia

A research team at York University has found that a few simple habits can lead to better cognitive functioning for younger and older adults,...

Discovered: Genetic Markers Linking Type 2 Diabetes Risk and Alzheimer’s

Certain patients with type 2 diabetes  may have specific genetic risk factors that put them at higher risk for developing Alzheimer's disease, according to...
Alzheimers and Diabetes Linked

New Link Discovered Between Diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease

More evidence has been found that links Alzheimer's, which is a disease that robs people of their memories, and elevated blood sugar levels. Researchers have...
New PET Imaging Compound for Alzheimer's Disease

New Tool Detects Alzheimer’s Earlier, Before Symptoms Appear

Researchers have developed a chemical compound that detects the Alzheimer's protein better than current FDA-approved agents for detecting Alzheimer's before symptoms appear. By the...

Mount Sinai Researchers Identify How a Gene Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease and Type 2...

Researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine have identified how a gene for a protein that can cause Type 2 diabetes, also possibly kills nerve cells in the brain, thereby contributing to Alzheimer's disease.

Found: Link Between Insulin Resistance and Behavioral Disorders

People with diabetes are more prone to anxiety and depression than those with other chronic diseases that require similar levels of management. The reasons...

Diabetes Drug Could Work Against Alzheimer’s

Metformin, a drug used in type 2-diabetes might have the potential to also act against Alzheimer's disease.
Photo of Woman: Vitamin D, Lifespan and Diabetes

Vitamin D Extends Lifespan, Helps Type 2 Diabetics – But Dosage Matters

Research shows the popular supplement, vitamin D, engages longevity genes to increase lifespan and prevent the accumulation of toxic proteins linked to many age-related...

Study Identifies Food Combination Associated with Reduced Alzheimer’s Disease Risk

Individuals whose diet includes more of certain foods and less of others appear less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease, according to a report for the Archives of Neurology.

Brains of Type 1 Diabetics Show Signs of Accelerated Aging

People with type 1 diabetes show signs of accelerated aging and slower information processing. Study suggests that middle-aged type 1 diabetics should be screened...