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Yearly Archives: 2005

Elevated Glucose Levels And Diabetes Are Associated With Increased Risk For Cancer

New research involving more than one million people indicates that having high fasting serum glucose levels and diabetes are risk factors for several major cancers.

Fat Hormone Acts On Brain Circuit To Curb Obesity, Diabetes

New research finds that a single brain region is sufficient for normal control of blood sugar and activity level by the fat hormone leptin.

Spleen May Be Source Of Versatile Stem Cells

Researchers report that potential adult stem cells from the spleen produce a protein previously believed to be present only during the embryonic development of mammals. Cells have protein associated with embryonic development and limb regeneration.

Protein Adiponectin Appears Protective Against Heart Disease

Reduced blood concentrations of adiponectin appear to indicate a significant risk of cardiovascular disease in a study focusing on risk of the disorder among patients with Type 1 diabetes.

Type of Weight Loss Surgery More Effective at Reducing Insulin Resistance

Bariatric surgery for severely obese patients leads to weight loss and improves insulin sensitivity. Study finds that the degree of improvement depends on the surgical technique used, comparing biliopancreatic diversion to gastric bypass.

Study Shows That Diabetes Increases Risk of Blood Poisoning

A new study adds potentially fatal blood infections to the list of health risks from diabetes.