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Teenagers with Type 2 Diabetes Show Signs of Impaired Heart Function

Heart function may be affected in people with Type 2 diabetes as early as adolescence, according to a new study.

Way to Convert Cells Into Insulin-Making Cells Discovered

Simply put, people develop diabetes because they don't have enough pancreatic beta cells to produce the insulin necessary to regulate their blood sugar levels. Findings of UCLA study hold promise for fight against diabetes.

Does Lifestyle Counseling Really Help Glycemic Control with Diabetic Patients?

A group of researchers have discovered that one way false information can make its way into electronic medical records is due to users' reliance on copying and pasting material within the patient's record.

Diabetics at Higher Risk of Tuberculosis Infection

People with diabetes have a three to five times higher risk of contracting tuberculosis (TB) than non-diabetics, according to researchers.

Cardiovascular Side Effects of Popular Diabetes Drug Explained

Drugs known as thiazolidinediones, or TZDs for short, are widely used in diabetes treatment, but they come with a downside. The drugs have effects on the kidneys that lead to fluid retention as the volume of plasma in the bloodstream expands.

Low Carbohydrate Diet May Reverse Kidney Failure in People with Diabetes

Researchers have for the first time determined that the ketogenic diet may reverse impaired kidney function in diabetics. They also identified a panel of genes associated with diabetes-related kidney failure, whose expression was reversed by the diet.

Drug Effective in Treating Kidney Disease in Diabetic Patients

Researchers have published promising results of a clinical study using an experimental anti-fibrotic and anti-inflammatory drug called pirfenidone to treat patients with diabetic nephropathy.

Protein Levels Could Signal That a Child Will Develop Diabetes

Decreasing blood levels of a protein that helps control inflammation may be a red flag that could help children avoid type 1 diabetes, researchers say.

New Guideline on Best Treatments for Diabetic Nerve Pain

The American Academy of Neurology has issued a new guideline on the most effective treatments for diabetic nerve pain, the burning or tingling pain in the hands and feet that affects millions of people with diabetes.

Some Diabetes Drugs are Better Than Others

New research suggests that several commonly prescribed drugs for type 2 diabetes may not be as effective at preventing death and cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks and stroke, as the oral anti-diabetic drug, metformin.

Body Mass Index in Adolescence Associated with Early Occurrence of Diabetes and Heart Disease

Diabetes risk is mainly associated with increased body mass index (BMI) close to the time of diagnosis at early adulthood, while coronary heart disease risk is associated with elevated BMI both at adolescence and adulthood.

Substance in Tangerines Fights Obesity and Protects Against Heart Disease

New research has discovered a substance in tangerines not only prevents obesity, but also offers protection against type 2 diabetes, and even atherosclerosis.

Diabetes Treatment May Also Provide Protection Against Endometrial Cancer

Metformin, a drug treatment used to treat diabetes and also women with Polycystic Ovary syndrome (PCOS), may potentially provide protection against endometrial cancer.

Convenience Leads to Childhood Obesity

Two of the biggest influences on children - parents and schools - may unintentionally contribute to childhood obesity.

Researchers Find Potential New Non-Insulin Treatment for Type 1 Diabetes

Researchers have discovered a hormone pathway that potentially could lead to new ways of treating type 1 diabetes independent of insulin.

Drug Prevents Type 2 Diabetes in Majority of High-Risk Individuals

A pill taken once a day in the morning prevented type 2 diabetes in more than 70 percent of individuals whose obesity, ethnicity and other markers put them at highest risk for the disease.