Study: Potential Benefits in Uncontrolled Type 1 Diabetes
The Edmonton Protocol for islet transplantation can safely and successfully promote long-term stabilization of blood sugar levels in "brittle" diabetes patients and in some cases, relieve them of the need for insulin injections altogether for at least two years.
Researchers: Traditional Chinese Exercises Can Help Combat Diabetes
A pilot study for Australia's first clinical trial to evaluate the effectiveness of traditional Chinese exercises in preventing the growing problem of diabetes has produced startling results.
Possible Vaccine for Type 1 Diabetes
A new vaccine being tested in a human clinical trial holds a great deal of promise for treating type 1 diabetes, a disease that newly afflicts 35,000 children each year.
New Study Seeks To Lower Diabetes Risk In Youth
Study will determine if changes in school food services and physical education (PE) classes, along with activities that encourage healthy behaviors, lower risk factors for type 2 diabetes, an increasingly common disease in youth.
Weight Lifting Can Help Overweight Teens Reduce Risk of Diabetes
Teens at risk of developing diabetes can prevent or delay its onset through strength training exercise, a University of Southern California study has found.
Gene Variant Increases Risk of Type 2 Diabetes, But Healthy Lifestyle Changes Reduce Genetic...
Researchers have confirmed that a gene variant confers susceptibility to type 2 diabetes in participants of the Diabetes Prevention Program.
Sleep Deprivation Doubles Risks of Obesity in Both Children and Adults
Research has found that sleep deprivation is associated with an almost a two-fold increased risk of being obese for both children and adults.
Study: Common Infections May Be A Trigger for Diabetes in Children
A major study has added weight to the theory that environmental factors such as common infections may be a trigger for diabetes in children and young adults.
National Survey Estimates Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes Among Adolescents
An estimated 39,000 U.S. adolescents may have type 2 diabetes and more than 2.5 million may have impaired fasting glucose levels, which could lead to diabetes and other health problems.
Study: Dynamic Duo, Combination Therapy Reverses Type 1 Diabetes
Researchers have now carefully crafted a combination therapy that reverses recent-onset type 1 diabetes in 2 models of disease.
Study: Bullied Kids More Likely to Be Obese, Develop Health Problems
Bullying may keep overweight children on the sidelines, making it more difficult for them to shed pounds.
Scientists Make Major Finding on Potential Cure for Type 1 Diabetes
A major finding, which represents an important step toward a potential cure for type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes, has been made.
Study: TV Viewing During Lunch Affects Preschool Children’s Intake
Preschool children who usually eat meals at home while watching TV ate one-third more lunch when they were shown a cartoon video during lunchtime versus when they ate lunch without TV.
Study: Insulin levels in African American Children Worsen Through Puberty
Insulin levels in African American children worsen as they progress through puberty while those same levels don't change in their Caucasian counterparts, says new University of Alberta research that shows puberty is a key developmental period affecting diabetes risk.
Study: Reducing Teens’ Intake Of Sugary Drinks With Intervention
Researchers report that a novel intervention to limit consumption of sugary drinks – home deliveries of noncaloric beverages – had a beneficial effect on weight loss.
Study: Formula Feeding, Early Introduction Of Infant Food May Not Contribute To Childhood Obesity
A new study has found that a child's fatness at age five is not related to being breastfed or the age in infancy when other foods are introduced.