Cancer News and Research

News about cancer, including advances in cancer treatment and the affect on people with diabetes.

Study: Low-Protein, Low-Calorie Dieters Have Reduced Levels of Hormone Linked to Cancer

Preliminary findings suggest that eating less protein may help protect against certain cancers that are not directly associated with obesity.

Researchers: Turmeric’s (Curcumin) Fights Skin, Breast and Other Tumor Cells.

Looking for a cancer cure? Try the spice rack. In the last few years, that tactic has proved productive for researchers investigating turmeric, a curry spice used for centuries in Indian traditional medicine.

Study: Common Diabetes Drug May Treat Ovarian Cancer

Diabetics with ovarian cancer who took the drug metformin for their diabetes had a better survival rate than patients who did not take the drug, a Mayo Clinic study shows.

Cooking Sweet Corn Boosts its Ability to Fight Cancer and Heart Disease

Hurrah for hominy. Cooking sweet corn, whether you cream it, steam it or keep it on the cob, unleashes beneficial nutrients that can substantially reduce the chance of heart disease and cancer.

New Company Will Seek Drugs Against Diabetes and Cancer

A new company will use a novel technology to rapidly screen thousands of drugs for their effectiveness against two of the biggest health threats in the United States, diabetes and cancer.

Moderate Physical Activity Is Critical For Reducing The Risk Of Chronic Disease In Older...

Getting regular, moderate-intensity exercise may be critically important for postmenopausal women who want to reduce their risk of cancer, heart disease and other chronic diseases.

Hormone Therapy Study Stopped Due to Increased Breast Cancer Risk, Lack of Overall Benefit

The NHLBI of the National Institutes of Health has stopped early a major clinical trial of the risks and benefits of combined estrogen and progestin in healthy menopausal women due to an increased risk of invasive breast cancer.

Organic and Sustainable Foods Linked to Reduced Risk of Some Cancers and Heart Disease

Organically or sustainably grown berries and corn contain up to 58 percent more polyphenolics, natural antioxidants that are a natural defense for plants and may be good for our health.