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Cardiovascular Risk in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes Linked Primarily to Insulin Resistance
According to a new study, youth with type 1 diabetes have now been found to have abnormal insulin resistance.
Too Much Protein, Eaten Along with Fat, May Lead to Insulin Resistance
The suspicion is that branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), in combination with a high-fat diet, contribute to insulin resistance.
New Target for Obesity-Related Insulin Resistance, Type 2 Diabetes
Researchers have identified a particular subset of cells that are linked to obesity-associated insulin resistance, and that offer a promising new target for the treatment of diabetes.
Severe Insulin Resistance may Increase Rate of Pregnancy and Birth Complications
Testing pregnant women for insulin resistance with a simple blood test may be a new tool for predicting problems during pregnancy, according to a new study.
Novel Link Between Excessive Nutrient Levels and Insulin Resistance
Study reveals that OGT slams the brake on insulin signaling soon after insulin fires up the machinery that pulls glucose from the blood stream and squirrels it away inside liver or stashes the surplus energy in fat pads.
Fat on Chest and Upper Back Increases Risk of Insulin Resistance
Upper trunk fat, deposits of fat on the chest and back, is associated with an increased risk of insulin resistance, a condition that is a precursor of type 2 diabetes.
Insulin Pathway Component Explains Insulin Resistance, Age-Associated Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome, an aging-associated group of disorders that includes insulin resistance, heart disease and high lipid levels, may be treatable thanks to a newly discovered role for a regulatory gene.
Race May Be Risk Factor For Insulin Resistance
Black women, even if their weight is normal, may be at increased risk for insulin resistance, a condition associated with diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart vessel disease, according to new research by Wake Forest University School of Medicine.
Study Reveals Trigger For Insulin Resistance In Liver, Potential Drug Targets
Researchers report the discovery of a trigger for insulin resistance in the liver.
Variations in Four Inflammatory Genes May Predispose Mexican Americans to Insulin Resistance
Although numerous studies have shown that low-grade inflammation is linked to heart disease and diabetes, more recent studies have shown that inflammation plays a role in insulin resistance, a syndrome that leads to diabetes and heart disease.
Type of Weight Loss Surgery More Effective at Reducing Insulin Resistance
Bariatric surgery for severely obese patients leads to weight loss and improves insulin sensitivity. Study finds that the degree of improvement depends on the surgical technique used, comparing biliopancreatic diversion to gastric bypass.
Eri Patents Treatments For Insulin Resistance In Diabetes Accompanying Obesity
Researchers have patented a method of reducing insulin resistance.
Alcohol Exposure in Pre- and Early Post-Natal Stages May Cause Insulin Resistance
Perinatal factors (those occurring about five months before birth and one month after) have been implicated in the development of Type 2 diabetes and other disorders.
For Those Who Smoke Young…Insulin Resistance and Diabetes?
Young people are unaware that cigarette use has been linked to insulin resistance and insulin-dependent glucose metabolism.
Study: Type 1 Diabetics Can Get ‘Double Diabetes’ From Insulin Resistance
Insulin resistance is likely a major cause of heart disease in people with type 1 diabetes.
Nearly Two-thirds of GPs are Unaware that Insulin Resistance, a Fundamental Cause of Type...
While GPs’ understanding of the definition of insulin resistance is excellent (85% know it is the inability of the body to respond to its own insulin), the number of patients that it affects is being greatly underestimated.