Diabetes News

Latest news about type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetes, gestational diabetes and related health issues like hypertension (high blood pressure), kidney disease, eye disease, neuropathy and more. Diabetes news for diabetics, physicians and caregivers.

Waist Circumference and Body Mass Index Predict Body Fat and Disease Risk

Overweight and obesity, particularly in the abdominal area, are associated with a variety of health risks, including cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

New Study Singles Out Factors Linked to Cognitive Deficits in Type 2 Diabetes

Older adults with diabetes who have high blood pressure, walk slowly or lose their balance, or believe they're in bad health, are significantly more likely to have weaker memory and slower, more rigid cognitive processing than those without these problems.

Soy Protein Reduces Effects of Diabetes on Liver

A group of researchers has discovered that a diet rich in soy protein may alleviate fatty liver, a disease which often accompanies diabetes.

Top-10 Comparison of Diabetes Drugs Give One a Top Grade by Johns Hopkins

A type 2 diabetes drug taken orally and in widespread use for more than a decade has been found to have distinct advantages over nine other, mostly newer medications used to control the chronic disease.

Study: Higher Mercury Levels Increases Risk for Diabetes

A new study has found that higher levels of mercury exposure in young adults increases their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 65 percent.

High Carbohydrate Diet Led to Changes in Islet Cells, Overproduction of Insulin

Consuming a milk formula high in carbohydrates during the critical early weeks of postnatal life causes permanent changes in pancreatic islets and leads to overproduction of insulin and development of obesity in adulthood.

Fructose-Sweetened Drinks Increase Nonfasting Triglycerides in Obese Adults

Obese people who drink fructose-sweetened beverages with their meals have an increased rise of triglycerides following the meal, according to new research.

Video Gaming Puts Children More At-Risk for Behavioral and Health Problems

Video game makers seem to be addressing concerns about how playing affects children. But too much gaming still puts children more at-risk for behavioral and health problems, health experts say.

Two New Treatments for Congestive Heart Failure

Researchers continue to develop treatments for this condition, in which the heart cannot adequately pump blood around the body, causing fluid to seep into the lungs and hinder breathing. Two of these treatments - a drug injection and a new type of pacemaker -recently were approved by the FDA.

Vitamin D Reduces Risk of Type 1 Diabetes

It is not known why some people get type 1 diabetes (diabetes that starts early in life), but there has been a suggestion that if children have a diet lacking in Vitamin D, they may go on to develop diabetes.

Diabetes Most Prevalent in Southern US

Diabetes prevalence is highest in the Southern and Appalachian states and lowest in the Midwest and the Northeast of America.

Researchers Turn Human Embryonic Stem Cells Into Billions of Human Insulin Producing Cells

Researchers announced that they have made a giant leap forward in the quest to find a truly effective treatment for type 1 diabetes.
Doctors and Pre-Diabetes - How Much Do They Know

Most Primary Physicians Can’t Identify All Prediabetes Risk Factors

Study findings may be a wake-up call for primary care providers, the majority of which could not identify all 11 risk factors that qualify patients for prediabetes screening.

Research Suggests How Steroids Cause Diabetes and Hypertension; Liver Plays Critical Role

Steroids critical for treating diseases such as asthma, arthritis and pain syndromes, can trigger diabetes and hypertension.

Stem Cell Infusion and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment Improve Islet Function in Diabetes

A study to determine if patients with type 2 diabetes can benefit from a combination of autologous stem cell infusions and hyperbaric oxygen treatment has found significant benefits.

Early Diagnosis Of Childhood Diabetes

Researchers suggest that they have a technique that may be used to detect a group of self-destructive cells involved in autoimmune disorders, which may increase ability to predict the development of diabetes.