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Yearly Archives: 2006

Alert: Health Canada Advises Diabetic Patients Not To Use The Antibiotic Tequin

Health Canada is advising diabetic patients, as a precaution, not to use the antibiotic Tequin due to concerns about blood glucose disorders. This advice is based on recommendations submitted to the department by the manufacturer of the drug, Bristol-Myers Squibb.

Study: Spouse’s Hospitalization Increases Partner’s Risk Of Death

A new study finds that hospitalization of a spouse for a serious illness also increases their partner's risk of death.

Researchers Discover a Natural Defence Mechanism for Alzheimer’s Disease

Researchers discovered a natural defence mechanism that the body deploys to combat nerve cell degeneration observed in persons with Alzheimer's disease

Few Stroke Patients Get To Hospital In Time For Treatment

Few people who are having a stroke get to the hospital in time to receive the clot-busting drug that reduces the chance of disability.

Daily Diet of Grapefruit Minimizes Risk Factor for Heart Disease

Heart disease patients who eat one grapefruit daily can significantly reduce the levels of cholesterol in their blood in comparison to patients who do not eat the fruit.

Alert: FDA Issues Public Health Advisory For Trasylol

Trasyolol (aprotinin injection), a drug used to prevent blood loss during surgery, has been linked in two scientific publications to higher risks of serious side effects.

Studies: Diuretics Reduce Risk of Death From Congestive Heart Failure

Diuretics reduce the risk of death, delay heart deterioration and improve exercise capacity in patients with congestive heart failure.

Diabetes Can Lead To Gum Disease In Childhood; Onset Is Younger Than Previously Recognized

the destruction of the gums can start in diabetic children as young as six years old.

Nearly Half of People Who Need Cholesterol Treatment Don’t Get It

Even though treatment for cholesterol disorders can reduce the risk of heart and blood vessel disease by about 30 percent over five years, many at-risk people aren't getting adequate treatment.

Gap Widens Between Optimal Versus Actual Cholesterol Levels

An estimated 63 million adults have low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels higher than what would be ideal as recommended.

Study: Medication Shows Modest Benefit In Reducing Weight, Improving HDL, Triglyceride Levels

Use of the weight-loss medication rimonabant produced modest yet sustained weight loss after 2 years, and improved HDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Study: Antioxidant Supplementation Not Associated With Decreased Risk of Prostate Cancer

Intakes of dietary or supplemental antioxidants were not associated with a decreased risk of prostate cancer among men in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial.

Study: Saw Palmetto No Better Than Placebo For Enlarged Prostate

Saw palmetto, an herbal extract commonly taken to improve urinary symptoms in men with enlargement of the prostate gland, is no more effective than a placebo.

Connection Between Heart Disease and Blood Sugar Levels in Men Studied

Men with cardiovascular disease may be at considerably increased risk for death even when their blood sugar level remains in the normal range.

Study: 4 in 10 Heart Attacks Go Unrecognised

Dutch researchers who assessed over 4,000 men and women over 55 to see how many heart attacks went undiagnosed at the time they occurred, found that the figure was more than four in 10.

Study: Availability of Prescription Labels in Spanish Is Limited

Study of NYC pharmacies found that only 69 percent have the ability to provide prescription labels in Spanish and that pharmacists only do so upon customer request.