Juvenile Diabetes

Current news and events relating to Juvenile Diabetes, also known as type 1 diabetes, including research, studies, treatments, potential cures and more.

Neontal Diabetes - Treatment Called a Miracle

Lancet: Miracle Treatment for Diabetic Babies Provides Long-Term Success

The Lancet details a miracle treatment which is successful in treatment of neonatal diabetes (babies with diabetes) over the long-term, providing excellent sugar control after 10 years.

Cord Blood May Preserve Insulin Levels in Children with Type 1 Diabetes

Umbilical cord blood may safely preserve insulin production in children newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

Bigger Capsules the Key to Transplanting Islet Cells?

Something as simple as changing the size of the cell-carrying spheres may be the answer to the problem researchers have been having when it...

Urgent Recall of Nova Max Blood Glucose Test Strips

The FDA is working with Nova Diabetes Care to recall 21 lots of glucose test strips marketed under the brand names Nova Max Blood Glucose Test Strips and Nova Max Plus Glucose Meter Kits. The test strips under recall may report a false, abnormally high blood glucose result.
type 1 teens not being diagnosed

Serious Diabetes Complications Increasing Among American Youth

A potentially life-threatening complication of diabetes, diabetic ketoacidosis, has increased by 55 percent in youths diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. The incidence of a...

Human Skin Cells May Help Treat Diabetes

Starting from human skin cells, researchers have created human insulin-producing cells that respond to glucose and correct blood-sugar levels.

End-Stage Renal Disease Incidence, Prognosis Improving For Patients With Diabetes

Patients with type 1 diabetes have an improved prognosis with regard to end-stage renal disease over the past four decades.

Experimental Treatment for Type 1 Diabetes Patients Shows Promise

New research monitoring the effects of Islet cell transplantation resulted in near-normal metabolic control and decreased hypoglycemia.

New Nanotube Sensor Can Continuously Monitor Minute Amounts of Insulin

A new method that uses nanotechnology to rapidly measure minute amounts of insulin is a major step toward developing the ability to assess the health of the body's insulin-producing cells in real time.

Study: Technique May Restore Ability to Produce Insulin for Type 1 Diabetics

Study finds that a peptide called caerulein can convert existing cells in the pancreas into those cells destroyed in type 1 diabetes-insulin-producing beta cells.

Study: TV Viewing During Lunch Affects Preschool Children’s Intake

Preschool children who usually eat meals at home while watching TV ate one-third more lunch when they were shown a cartoon video during lunchtime versus when they ate lunch without TV.

Dietary Zinc for Diabetes Prevention Not Backed by Evidence

Despite laboratory evidence that zinc helps promote the production and action of insulin, and widespread marketing of zinc supplements for this purpose, no randomized clinical trials show that zinc supplementation prevents the onset of type 2 diabetes.

Daily Sessions of Whole-Body Vibration May Combat Pre-diabetes in Youth

Daily sessions of whole-body vibration may combat prediabetes in adolescents, dramatically reducing inflammation, average blood glucose levels and symptoms such as frequent urination.

Type 1 Diabetes Safely Arrested With Short-Term Use of New Drug

Researchers have halted the course of early stage Type 1 diabetes for a year by treating patients for just two weeks with a new immune-suppressive drug, which only had minor side effects.

Extensive TV Watching Linked with Increased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes, CVD and All-Cause...

In an analysis of data from several studies, watching television for 2-3 hours per day or more was associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, fatal and nonfatal cardiovascular disease and all-cause death.

Pitt Researchers Develop Non-Invasive Glucose Sensor

Millions of people suffering from diabetes mellitus may be spared the ordeal of pricking their fingers several times a day to test blood sugar levels.