For Diabetics, Exercise Helps Control Blood Glucose, Trim Waist Size and Body Fat
How important is exercise to people with diabetes? Waist circumference, percentage of body fat, and hemoglobin A1c levels all improved in diabetics who exercised...
The Best Pancreas System for Kids with Type 1 Diabetes
New study shows that the dual-hormone artificial pancreas provides the most benefits by reducing the time spent in nocturnal hypoglycemia with children and adolescents...
Eating Peanuts and Nuts Reduces Diabetes Mortality Rate
People who eat at least 10 grams of nuts or peanuts per day had a reduced mortality rate from diabetes, as well as other...
Short-Term Memory Loss Due to Statin Drugs Not Likely
Researchers have examined the link between statins, which are cholesterol-lowering drugs, and memory impairment. Findings suggests that statin users need not worry about an...
Research Team Pinpoints Gene Key to Reactivating Insulin-Producing Beta Cells
A BYU research team, which includes several students with type 1 diabetes, have pinpointed a gene that causes beta cells to replicate. Beta cells...
Diabetics with Poorly Controlled Blood Sugar Have Longer, More Costly Hospital Stays
As more patients are being admitted into U.S. hospitals with diabetes as an underlying condition, studies show that diabetics with poorly controlled blood sugar...
Lixisenatide, a New Diabetes Drug, Had No Increase in Cardiovascular Risk
Cardiovascular safety of a new glucose-lowering drug, named Lixisenatide, has been observed by Brigham and Women's Hospital researchers. An international, multidisciplinary team including investigators from...
Photos Helping Researchers Understand Juvenile Diabetes
If a picture is worth a thousand words, UF Health Type 1 diabetes researchers and their colleagues have tapped into an encyclopedia, revealing new...
Skipping Meals May Actually Make Your Belly Fatter
A new study suggests that skipping meals sets off a series of metabolic miscues that can result in abdominal weight gain. In the study, mice...
Metformin May Reduce Risk of Open-Angle Glaucoma in Diabetic Patients
A new study finds that taking the medication metformin hydrochloride was associated with reduced risk of developing the sight-threatening disease open-angle glaucoma in people...
Diabetes Risk Linked to Faster Heart Rate
An association between resting heart rate and diabetes suggests that heart rate measures could identify individuals with a higher future risk of diabetes. In...
New Way of Preventing Diabetes-Related Blindess Found
Several recently developed drugs slow progression to proliferative diabetic retinopathy, but do not reliably prevent it. New research points to a new treatment that...
Study Finds Best Blood Pressure Treatment for Diabetics with Kidney Disease
Study shows that two specific types of drugs, alone or in combination, are the most effective regimen for preventing end-stage kidney disease. This is...
Mothers of Sons More Likely to Develop Gestational Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes
A recent study found that women who were having sons were more likely to develop gestational diabetes or Type 2 Diabetes than women who...
Hba1C Levels Did Not Improve After Personalized Education and Assessment from Ophthalmologist
Personalized education and risk assessment for people with diabetes visiting the ophthalmologist did not improve hemoglobin A1c levels or glycemic control. Providing personalized education and...
New Treatment Opportunity to Help Preserve Vision in Diabetics
Joslin research boosts evidence for a new class of treatments to help preserve vision in people with diabetes, including diabetic macular edema and retinopathy. Diabetic...