Oral Meds Good For Controlling Type 2 Diabetes In Children
Oral medications may control symptoms of Type II diabetes in children just as well as insulin injections, a new study reports.
Waist Size Is Associated With The Metabolic Syndrome In Children
Waist circumference is associated with insulin resistance in children and may offer a simple way to identify children with risk factors for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
Diabetic Nerve Therapy Shows ‘Striking’ Results
Research into a new treatment for nerve damage caused by diabetes could bring relief to millions of diabetic patients, say experts.
Adult Lifestyle Biggest Risk Factor For Diabetes
Adult lifestyle has more influence on your chances of developing diabetes than childhood experience, according to new research whose findings contradict previously-held beliefs.
Diuretics Effective For People With Diabetes And High Blood Pressure
In people with diabetes, diuretics work as well as ACE-inhibitors and calcium channel blockers in protecting against heart attack and improving survival, and offer more protection against congestive heart failure.
Joslin Launches Program To Bring Vision Resources To Local Communities
Joslin Diabetes Center has launched a new affiliation program designed to bring Joslin's world-class vision resources to local communities across the United States and beyond.
New Link Between Obesity And Type 2 Diabetes
A study has shown that a protein found in fat cells is a newly discovered cause of insulin resistance.
Diabetes Drug Controls Blood Glucose, Cardiac Risk
A new review of studies confirms that the drug metformin should be in the first line of defense against type 2 diabetes.
New Compound May Reduce Risk of Vision Loss in Patients With Diabetes
Initial results show that drug may reduce the risk of moderate vision loss, especially in patients with diabetic macular edema.
Link Between Pkc Enzyme And Kidney Disease In Diabetes Confirmed
Scientists confirm the link between hyperglycemia (high blood glucose), overexpression of PKC-beta 2 and kidney disease.
Variations in Four Inflammatory Genes May Predispose Mexican Americans to Insulin Resistance
Although numerous studies have shown that low-grade inflammation is linked to heart disease and diabetes, more recent studies have shown that inflammation plays a role in insulin resistance, a syndrome that leads to diabetes and heart disease.
Diabetic Retinopathy Occurs in Pre-Diabetes
Diabetic retinopathy has been found in nearly 8 percent of pre-diabetic study participants. It was also seen in 12 percent of participants with type 2 diabetes who developed diabetes during the program.
New Approach to Achieving Diabetes Control Using Insulin Glargine
Results of a study demonstrate that patients with type 2 diabetes can safely achieve target blood sugar levels faster and more frequently when insulin glargine is added to therapy, versus using oral agents alone.
Avoiding Amputation: Early Infection Intervention Can Save Feet and Legs
A new study may help more people save their limbs. It's the first-ever large study of how foot-bone infection, called osteomyelitis, is typically treated and how well the different approaches work.
A Common Antibiotic May Limit Or Prevent Vision Problems Caused By Diabetes
Study suggests that a common antibiotic called minocycline may slow or prevent diabetic retinopathy.
Low-Fat Dairy Foods May Help Reduce Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes
The consumption of low-fat dairy foods may reduce men's risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according to a study.