Type 2 Diabetes

The most current news about type 2 diabetes, formerly called adult-onset or noninsulin-dependent diabetes, including research, studies, treatments, management, causes, stories, potential cures and more.

Whole Grains Reduce Long-Term Risk of Type 2 Diabetes In Men

Daily consumption of whole grains has been associated in a number of studies with reductions in risk for ischemic stroke, coronary artery disease, and type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes Drug Controls Blood Glucose, Cardiac Risk

A new review of studies confirms that the drug metformin should be in the first line of defense against type 2 diabetes.

Researchers Discover Link That Could Aid In Treatment Of Kidney Cyst Diseases

Researchers have uncovered a link between two cyst-forming diseases that affect the kidneys.

APOE Genotype Identified As Risk Factor for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

A cross-sectional study has convinced some researchers that the APOE genotype is a risk factor for diabetic neuropathy severity equal to having 15 extra years of age or diabetes duration.

Less Fit Teens More Likely to Have Precursor to Diabetes

A child who is overweight and unfit may already be on the road to developing insulin resistance, an early sign of diabetes, researchers have reported.

Could Diabetes Treatments Fight Cancer?

Drugs that treat diabetes may also be effective against some cancers.

Researchers Find Brain Insulin Plays Critical Role in the Development of Diabetes

Researchers have discovered a novel function of brain insulin, indicating that impaired brain insulin action may be the cause of the unrestrained lipolysis that initiates and worsens type 2 diabetes.

Kids Need Repeated Messages, Support On Healthy Eating

Middle schoolers exposed to an intensive campaign urging them to eat more fruits and vegetables actually did so, but not enough to improve their overall eating patterns.

Effect of Diabetes Case Management Among Low-Income Minority Populations

Diabetes case management, added to primary care, substantially improved glycemic control compared with a control group.

People Over 40 Need Frequent Exercise to Prevent or Treat Type 2 Diabetes

People over 40 who use aerobic exercise to prevent or control diabetes need not only regular, but frequent, exercise if they are to realize its potential benefits.

Moderate Fitness Lowers Risk of Death for Normal Weight or Obese Men with Type...

Being even moderately physically fit lowers a diabetic man's risk of death, regardless of his weight, according to a new study.

Researchers Identify New Genetic Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes

In the most comprehensive look at genetic risk factors for type 2 diabetes to date has identified at least four new genetic variants associated with increased risk of diabetes and confirmed existence of another six.

Inflammation May Play Role in Type 2 Diabetes

Elevated blood levels of two inflammatory substances seem to be independent risk factors for type 2 diabetes, researchers report.

Study: VA Beats Managed Care For Diabetes

New multicenter study finds VA patients with diabetes are more likely to receive recommended tests and have better outcomes than managed care patients.

Fast Cooking Diabetics May Be Able To Lower Risk Of Heart Disease

Cooking food for short periods of time, at minimum safe temperatures, may lower the risk of heart disease for diabetics according to a new study appearing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Among Type 2 Diabetics: Large Increase in Insulin Use and Out-of-Pocket Expenses

Find out how much the use of insulin among patients with type 2 diabetes and out-of-pocket expenditures per prescription have increased.