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Dimentia and Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes has been shown to be associated with increased risk for cognitive decline, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia: both vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (AD).

Photo of people walking - which can help with type 2 diabetes

Memory Impairment and Type 2 Diabetes: Exercise Helps

Researchers have found that moderate exercise may improve hippocampal memory dysfunction caused by type 2 diabetes and that enhanced transport of lactate to neurons...

Brains of Type 1 Diabetics Show Signs of Accelerated Aging

People with type 1 diabetes show signs of accelerated aging and slower information processing. Study suggests that middle-aged type 1 diabetics should be screened...
Type 2 diabetes, dimentia and depression

Type 2 Diabetes Linked to Increased Dementia Risk, Depression Makes it Even Worse

Depression and type 2 diabetes mellitus were each associated with an increased risk for dementia and that risk was even greater among individuals diagnosed...
Dimenta Risk due to Insulin Resistance

Insulin Resistance Speeds Up Cognitive Decline, Dimentia

Researchers report that executive function and memory are particularly vulnerable to the effects of insulin resistance, which may increase the risk of dimentia later...

Diabetes Linked to Brain Tangles, Separate from Alzheimer’s Disease

People with type 2 diabetes have double the risk of developing dementia, and this new development shows how the diseases may be linked without...
Alzheimers and Diabetes Linked

New Link Discovered Between Diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease

More evidence has been found that links Alzheimer's, which is a disease that robs people of their memories, and elevated blood sugar levels. Researchers have...