High Blood Pressure

Current news, research and studies about high blood pressure (or hypertension), including anxiety, stress, sodium, diet, hypertension, niacin, and more.

Walking to Work Cuts Risk of Diabetes and High Blood Pressure

People who walk to work are around 40% less likely to have diabetes as those who drive, according to a new study.

New Study Shows Weight Loss Decreases ACE Enzyme That Controls Blood Pressure

New research suggests that losing even modest amounts of weight can pay off in better health.

Scientists Report New Findings on the Connection Between Diabetes and Heart Disease and Stroke

Research findings released today at the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA) annual meeting shed new light on the connection between diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Beta-Blocker Drugs Found To Promote Diabetes

New research indicates that taking beta-blocker drugs to treat high blood pressure can increase the risk of developing diabetes by 50 percent, compared to newer drugs.

Researchers Discover Link Between Common Sleep Disorder and High Blood Pressure

An international team of researchers has found evidence that people suffering from moderate to severe cases of restless legs syndrome (RLS) are at significantly increased risk for developing hypertension.

Risk of Using Rasilez with Certain Blood Pressure-Lowering Drugs

Researchers have published the first detailed figures showing the risk of using the prescription drug Rasilez in combination with certain other blood pressure-lowering medications.

Interfering with Vagal Nerve Activity Prevents Diabetes and Hypertension in Study

Interrupting nerve signals to the liver can prevent diabetes and hypertension in mice, according to scientists at Washington University School of Medicine.

Female Hormones Found to Protect Against Harmful Effects of Fructose

Groundbreaking study in female mice links estrogen, lower blood pressure, and insulin resistance, despite a high fructose diet.

Effect of Lowering Blood Pressure and Cholesterol on Risk for Cognitive Decline in Diabetics

Intensive blood pressure and cholesterol lowering was not associated with reduced risk for diabetes-related cognitive decline in older patients with long-standing type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Prehypertension Triples Heart Attack Risk

People with prehypertension are at much higher risk of heart attack and heart disease, according to a study published in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association.

Gap Widens Between Optimal Versus Actual Cholesterol Levels

An estimated 63 million adults have low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels higher than what would be ideal as recommended.

Babies Fond of Salt Have Higher Blood Pressure, a Grandparent with Hypertension

Within three days of birth some babies exhibit a unique response to salty taste – and the response is strongest in babies who have at least one grandparent with a history of hypertension.

Hypertension, Diabetes and Increased Carotid Artery Wall Thickness Means Increased Risk of Stroke

Increased carotid artery wall thickness (CAWT), which can cause heart attack and stroke in many patients, is significantly related to diabetes and hypertension.

Managing High Blood Pressure In Type 2 Diabetes Sufferers Could Save Lives

High blood pressure has been known to be a bad companion of diabetes for many years. New papers offer clinicians some effective treatment options for diabetes sufferers with high blood pressure.

Salt Intake Strongly Associated With Obesity

A study published in the journal "Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases" refutes the frequently repeated claims that a comprehensive salt reduction would not produce any overall health benefits, or would even increase diseases and shorten the life-span.

FDA Approves Avapro for Treatment of Diabetic Kidney Disease in People With High Blood...

FDA has approved Avapro for a new indication: the treatment of diabetic nephropathy in people who have hypertension and type 2 diabetes.