High Blood Pressure

Current news, research and studies about high blood pressure (or hypertension), including anxiety, stress, sodium, diet, hypertension, niacin, and more.

Whole Grains Reduce Long-Term Risk of Type 2 Diabetes In Men

Daily consumption of whole grains has been associated in a number of studies with reductions in risk for ischemic stroke, coronary artery disease, and type 2 diabetes.

Exercise and Weight Loss Reduces Excess Insulin and Lowers Blood Pressure in Syndrome X

Exercising and losing weight can significantly reduce the overproduction of insulin and lower the blood pressure of patients with Syndrome X.

Children With Diet Lower In Fat And Higher In Fiber May Lower Risk For...

Study shows dietary intervention in adolescence benefits glycemic control and blood pressure long-term.

ACE Inhibitors Reduce Kidney Disease Risk in Diabetics with High Blood Pressure

In diabetic patients with hypertension, ACE inhibitors reduce the risk of developing diabetes-related kidney disease, independent of their effect in lowering blood pressure, reports a study in the December Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.

Study: Rice Bran Lowers Blood Pressure In Rats

Scientists in Japan have shown that this waste product of rice processing, called rice bran, significantly lowers blood pressure in rats whose hypertension resembles that of humans.

Study: Certain Antihypertensive Drugs May Facilitate and/or Prevent Diabetes While Others Increase Risk

Researchers have found significant differences between antihypertensive drugs and their effect on developing diabetes.

“Stepped-Up” Care Improves Blood Pressure Control

A new review of evidence suggests that a "stepped-up" care approach can lower blood pressure for patients who haven't achieved good control of their hypertension.

Dieting and Medication May Reduce High Blood Pressure

Adults with hypertension may be able to lower their weight and their blood pressure by following a weight-loss diet or using the medication orlistat.

Door To Potential Treatments For Type 2 Diabetes Opens

Researchers have identified an unsuspected role of a protein named SHP-1 that could constitute a new therapeutic path against Type 2 Diabetes.

Grapes Reduce Risk Factors for Heart Disease and Diabetes, Study Shows

Findings show grape consumption lowered blood pressure, improved heart function and reduced other risk factors for heart disease and metabolic syndrome.

Probable Cause For High Blood Pressure Identified; Shows Links With Diabetes

Study finds a molecule that may be a primary cause of high blood pressure and may be a molecular link between hypertension and diabetes.

Scientists Report New Findings on the Connection Between Diabetes and Heart Disease and Stroke

Research findings released today at the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA) annual meeting shed new light on the connection between diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Babies Fond of Salt Have Higher Blood Pressure, a Grandparent with Hypertension

Within three days of birth some babies exhibit a unique response to salty taste – and the response is strongest in babies who have at least one grandparent with a history of hypertension.

Study: Certain Blood Pressure-Lowering Drugs Reduce Diabetes Risk In Hispanic Patients

While beta-blockers and diuretics have long been used to treat patients with hypertension, Hispanic patients appear to benefit from a tailor-made strategy that includes other medications, particularly calcium antagonists and angiotensin-converting, or ACE, inhibitors.

Fitness Level May Predict Women’s Hypertension Risk

A woman's physical fitness level may mitigate the effect of stress on her risk of developing high blood pressure, according to a new study.

Baby and Coated Aspirin May Not Reduce Risk of Stroke

The majority of patients who take baby or coated aspirin to prevent strokes are not getting the blood-thinning results they may need to help avoid these health threats.