Declining Physical Activity Levels Are Associated With Increasing Obesity
The recent worldwide increase in obesity has been attributed to environmental factors such as more sedentary lifestyles and excessive food intake.
New Blood Test Assesses Gestational Diabetes Risk Early in Pregnancy
Levels of a biomarker in a pregnant woman's blood can help physicians gauge her risk of developing gestational diabetes during the first trimester.
Waist Circumference and Body Mass Index Predict Body Fat and Disease Risk
Overweight and obesity, particularly in the abdominal area, are associated with a variety of health risks, including cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
Perceptions Of Peer Opinion Influences Attitudes About Obesity
One of the most effective ways to change negative attitudes about obese people is by addressing perceptions of normative beliefs within particular social groups.
Study: Risk of Diabetes Substantially Reduced by Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric surgery reduces the long-term risk of developing diabetes by over 80% among people with obesity...
Sobering Statistics on Physical Inactivity in the US
The statistics of physical inactivity in the U.S. are staggering and quite the eye opener. What do a prominent physiologist and two-time survivor of pancreatic...
Diabetes Experts Recommend One-Two Punch for Treating Patients with Pre-Diabetes
For the first time, a consensus of diabetes and metabolic disorder experts have recommended a comprehensive treatment regimen for patients with pre-diabetes. The recommendations call for specific guidelines on both lifestyle, and pharmaceutical intervention where appropriate.
Medication Can Help Diabetics Lose Weight, But Long-Term Effects Uncertain
An antidepressant drug and two medications for weight loss can help patients with diabetes achieve statistically significant weight loss over 26 to 52 weeks.
Junk Food, Snacks and All-You-Can-Eat Make Freshman 15 a Reality
College freshmen beware - the freshman 15, the eating binge long speculated to pile on 15 pounds during the first year of college, could be real according to a new study by a Cornell University professor.
Researchers Looking At How Neighborhoods Contribute To Healthy Lifestyles
The project by nutrition researchers from Virginia Tech's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences is part of efforts to learn how a neighborhood influences physical activity and diet.
For Super-Obese Patients, Duodenal Switch Beats Gastric Bypass
Researchers found that a newer operation, the duodenal switch, produced substantially better weight-loss outcomes than the standard operation, the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.
Fast-Food Restaurant Calorie Listings May Meet Labeling Requirements But They Don’t do a Good...
Calorie listings on fast-food chain restaurant menus might meet federal labeling requirements but don't do a good job of helping consumers trying to make healthy meal choices.
High-Sugar Diet Pushing Some Latino Kids Toward Type 2 Diabetes
Overweight Latino children who consume lots of sugar-especially in sugary drinks-show signs of beta cell decline, a precursor of type 2 diabetes, according to researchers.
Children with Fatter Midsection at Increased Risk for Cardiovascular Disease
Children with more fat around their midsections could be at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease later in life, researchers say.
Children Using Community Health Centers Are More Likely To Be Overweight
Children who use community health centers may be at a particularly high risk of being obese, according to a new study.
Study: Obesity And Risk For Death Due To Motor Vehicle Crashes
A team at the Injury Research Center of the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee has found that being obese increases male drivers' risk of dying in a car crash, as does being very slim. However, being moderately overweight might help cushion the blow.