Soft Drinks Surpassing Milk As Calorie Source For Most Americans
Just as the milkman disappeared from America’s cultural horizon, the consumption of milk seems to be evaporating, replaced by more — and more super-sizing — soda drinkers.
Lack Of Safe Play Space Raises Obesity Risk For Black Girls
Too much television and too few recreational opportunities mean not enough physical activity and a higher risk of obesity for young black girls.
U.S. Soft Drink Consumption Grew 135% Since 1977, Boosting Obesity
One of the simpler ways to curtail the obesity epidemic could be to cut the volume of sweetened soft drinks and fruit drinks Americans are increasingly consuming.
New Data Validate The Low-Glycemic Diet
A carefully controlled animal study provides clear evidence that a low-glycemic-index diet can lead to weight loss, reduced body fat, and reduction in risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Researchers Clarify Mechanisms For Beta-Cell Formation
A new study sheds light on the key mechanisms by which new pancreatic beta cells normally form in response to insulin resistance.
Study Links High Carbohydrate Diet To Increased Breast Cancer Risk
Researchers find the risk of developing breast cancer twice as great in Mexican women, for whom carbs represent more than half the daily diet.
Two Enzymes Key To Calorie-Burning
Discovery of how leptin regulates specific enzymes.
Pattern Found In Maintaining Weight Loss
Eighteen women who maintained a weight loss of 15 to 144 pounds for at least one year and as long as 27 years followed similar patterns leading to consistent behavior change.
Parents Are Top Influence On Soft-Drink Consumption Among Kids
Researchers surveyed children on how often they drank soft drinks and the factors that influence soft drink consumption.
New Gene Associated With Type 1 Diabetes
A new gene mutation identified by researchers is part of the constellation of genes associated with susceptibility to developing type 1 diabetes.
A Mother’s Obesity Can Cause Malformations In Her Children
A study of more than 2000 children of women with gestational diabetes has revealed that obesity in mothers is one of the most decisive factors contributing to the appearance of congenital malformations in their children.
Medication Can Help Diabetics Lose Weight, But Long-Term Effects Uncertain
An antidepressant drug and two medications for weight loss can help patients with diabetes achieve statistically significant weight loss over 26 to 52 weeks.
Triple Therapy Fights Type 2 Diabetes Without Weight Gain
Type 2 diabetics who take two drugs in combination with insulin can effectively regulate their blood-sugar levels without the common side effect of weight gain.
Weight Loss From a Fat Cell Hormone?
Researchers have established in an animal model that a hormone secreted by fat tissue acts in the brain to reduce body weight.
Revised Definition Means Millions More Have Pre-Diabetes
Pre-diabetes - a condition that raises a person's risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke - is far more common in America than previously believed.
Eri Patents Treatments For Insulin Resistance In Diabetes Accompanying Obesity
Researchers have patented a method of reducing insulin resistance.