Study: Risk of Diabetes Substantially Reduced by Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric surgery reduces the long-term risk of developing diabetes by over 80% among people with obesity...
Studies: Children’s Health Provided Added Benefit from Longer Exercise
Twenty minutes of daily, vigorous physical activity over just three months can reduce a child's risk of diabetes as well as his total body fat - including dangerous, deep abdominal fat - but 40 minutes works even better...
Study: Where Body Fat is Stored May Determine Likelihood of Obese People Developing Type...
Obese individuals with excess visceral fat have an increased risk for the development of Type 2 diabetes. By contrast, persons with excess abdominal subcutaneous fat were...
Researchers: Risk of Diabetes Higher in Neighborhoods That Aren’t Walk-Friendly
Whether your neighbourhood is conducive to walking could determine your risk for developing diabetes...
Toxic Byproduct of Heat-Processed Food May Lead to Weight Gain and Diabetes
Researchers have identified a common compound in the modern diet that could play a major role in the development of abdominal obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes.
Americans Gaining More Weight Than They Say
Despite the increasing awareness of the problem of obesity in the United States, most Americans don't know whether they are gaining or losing weight.
Fructose Consumption May Deplete Cellular Energy in Patients with Obesity and Diabetes
Obese people who consume increased amounts of fructose, a type of sugar that is found in particular in soft drinks and fruit juices, are at risk for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NFALD) and more its more severe forms, fatty inflammation and scarring.
Fast-Food Restaurant Calorie Listings May Meet Labeling Requirements But They Don’t do a Good...
Calorie listings on fast-food chain restaurant menus might meet federal labeling requirements but don't do a good job of helping consumers trying to make healthy meal choices.
Likely New Trigger for Metabolic Syndrome Epidemic Discovered
Scientists have uncovered a key suspect in the destructive inflammation that underlies heart disease and diabetes.
Penny-Per-Ounce Tax Has Huge Potential to Reduce Obesity, Diabetes, and Heart Disease
Tax has huge potential to reduce obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, while saving more than $17 billion in healthcare costs over 10 years and generating $13 billion a year in tax revenues.
Heart Disease Will Shorten Lives of Today’s Teens
A new study that takes a complete snapshot of adolescent cardiovascular health in the United States reveals a dismal picture of teens who are likely to die of heart disease at a younger age than adults do today.
BPA, Found in Soup Can Lining, Linked with Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease
A new study has found that a group of volunteers who consumed a serving of canned soup each day for five days had a more than 1,000% increase in urinary bisphenol A (BPA) concentrations compared with when the same individuals consumed fresh soup daily for five days.
Targeted Approach Provides a New Avenue for Potential Anti-Obesity Medication
Obese rhesus monkeys lost on average 11 percent of their body weight after four weeks of treatment with an experimental drug that selectively destroys the blood supply of fat tissue.
Children With Diet Lower In Fat And Higher In Fiber May Lower Risk For...
Study shows dietary intervention in adolescence benefits glycemic control and blood pressure long-term.
African-American Women with Gestational Diabetes Face High Long-Term Diabetes Risk
African American women who develop gestational diabetes mellitus during pregnancy face a 52 percent increased risk of developing diabetes in the future compared to white women who develop GDM during pregnancy.
Study May Lead to New Treatments for Type 2 diabetes
Activating a specialized type of fat, known as brown adipose tissue, may help combat obesity as well as result in better glucose control for type 2 diabetes.