Diabetes News

Latest news about type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetes, gestational diabetes and related health issues like hypertension (high blood pressure), kidney disease, eye disease, neuropathy and more. Diabetes news for diabetics, physicians and caregivers.

Study: Risk of Diabetes Substantially Reduced by Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery reduces the long-term risk of developing diabetes by over 80% among people with obesity...

Discovery Could Help Diabetics and Others With Slow-To-Heal Wounds

A new discovery about the wound-healing process could lead to better treatments for diabetics and other patients who have wounds that are slow to heal.

Unsuspected Brain Region Involved In Side Effects Of Diabetes Drugs

A brain region involved in emotional and intellectual processes appears to also play an unsuspected role in the body's visceral response to dangerously low blood sugar levels.

Diabetics Experience More Complications Following Trauma

Individuals with diabetes appear to spend more days in the intensive care unit, use more ventilator support and have more complications during hospitalization for trauma than non-diabetics, according to a July 2007 report.

Diabetic Women on Hormone Replacement Therapy Have Better Glycemic and Lipid Profiles

Diabetic women who use hormone replacement therapy were more likely to have their blood glucose under control, and have lower cholesterol levels than women who never used hormone therapy.

Weight Loss Surgery Can Help Reduce Metabolic Syndrome In Obese Patients

Obese patients who underwent surgical treatment for weight loss had significant reductions in the components of the metabolic syndrome one year after surgery.

Portable System Offers Dialysis Patients ‘Liberating’ Changes

A suitcase-sized machine is making life easier for some patients undergoing rigorous dialysis for kidney failure.

Fear of Hypoglycemia a Barrier to Exercise for Type 1 Diabetics

Study finds individuals with the greatest fear of physical activity had the poorest control of their diabetes.

Despite Improved Diabetes Care, Diabetic Kidney Disease on the Rise in America

Diabetic kidney disease has become more prevalent in the United States over the past 20 years, despite a substantial increase in the use of medications for the treatment of people with diabetes.

Caloric Sweetener Use Grows Worldwide; Soft Drinks are Chief Culprit

Use of caloric sweeteners, including sugar, has grown markedly around the world over the past 40 years

Treatment of Sleep Apnea Lowers Glucose Levels in Diabetics

Patients with Type 2 diabetes who also suffer from obstructive sleep apnea can lower their glucose levels by receiving the most common sleep apnea therapy.

Study Links Diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease

Diabetic individuals have a significantly higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease but the molecular connection between the two remains unexplained. Now, researchers have identified the probable molecular basis for the diabetes - Alzheimer's interaction.

Crusty Foods May Worsen Cardiovascular Disease Associated with Diabetes

A study suggests avoiding cooking methods that produce the kind of crusty bits you'd find on a grilled hamburger, especially if you have diabetes and know you're at increased risk for cardiovascular disease because of your diagnosis.

Cell Model Could Provide Clues to Causes, Cures for Diabetes

researchers have identified a potential model system for elucidating the stages of normal pancreatic development, as well as for developing a much-needed source of insulin-producing cells.

New Insights Into The Early Development Of Diabetes

A study provides new information on the early steps in the development of IR and suggests why insulin-resistant people easily gain weight.

Weight Lifting Can Help Overweight Teens Reduce Risk of Diabetes

Teens at risk of developing diabetes can prevent or delay its onset through strength training exercise, a University of Southern California study has found.