Type 1 Diabetes News

Current news and events relating to Type 1 Diabetes, including research, studies, treatments, potential cures and more.

Fear of Hypoglycemia a Barrier to Exercise for Type 1 Diabetics

Study finds individuals with the greatest fear of physical activity had the poorest control of their diabetes.

Surgeons Create Functioning Pancreas in Patient’s Arm, Preventing Diabetes

A 55-year-old grandmother is producing insulin on her own after her islet cells were removed from her pancreas and implanted into her forearm a few weeks ago at The Methodist Hospital in Houston.

Scientists Turn Human Skin Cells Into Insulin-producing Cells

Researchers have transformed cells from human skin into cells that produce insulin, the hormone used to treat diabetes. The breakthrough may one day lead to new treatments or even a cure for the millions of people affected by the disease, researchers say.

New Study Demonstrates Glucose Device Rapidly Alleviates Major Symptom of Type 1 Diabetes in...

Hypoglycemia is difficult to treat, particularly in children younger than five years of age, because of difficulties in administering the correct glucose dose as well as patient compliance. Researchers presented data that demonstrated how a new approach that could change the way this disorder is managed in millions of pediatric diabetes patients worldwide.

Long-Acting Insulin: Safer, Slightly Tighter Glucose Control in Type 1 Diabetes

A review of studies reveals that the newer, long-acting insulin medications offer only a slight benefit over NPH in terms of blood glucose control in type 1 diabetes. Researchers did see a clear benefit of long-acting insulin in reducing the risk for hypoglycemia, particularly at night.

Dietary Adherence Associated with Better Glucose Control in Children with Type 1 Diabetes

A study by researchers at the Joslin Diabetes Center has shown that adherence to prescribed dietary recommendations is associated with better glucose control in children with type 1 diabetes.

Individuals with Long-Term Type 1 Diabetes Still Capable of Producing Insulin

Researchers at the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston have discovered that a significant portion of people who have had type 1 diabetes for 50 or more years still have the capacity to produce insulin.

Combined Kidney-Pancreas Transplant Improves Survival in Type 1 Diabetes

For patients with type 1 diabetes and end-stage renal disease (ESRD), simultaneous kidney-pancreas transplantation increases the chances of long-term survival compared to kidney transplantation alone.

Suspected Cause of Type 1 Diabetes Caught

Scientists have examined in unprecedented detail the immune cells long thought to be responsible for type 1 diabetes. They caught the immune cells, known as dendritic cells, "red-handed": they were carrying insulin and fragments of insulin-producing cells.

AACE Calls for New Standards for Safer Insulin Pump Use

A physician at the FDA provided new data that shows there is a serious problem regarding patient safety in insulin pump use.

New Nanotube Sensor Can Continuously Monitor Minute Amounts of Insulin

A new method that uses nanotechnology to rapidly measure minute amounts of insulin is a major step toward developing the ability to assess the health of the body's insulin-producing cells in real time.

Stem Cell Breakthrough Offers Diabetes Hope

Scientists have discovered a new technique for turning embryonic stem cells into insulin-producing pancreatic tissue in what could prove a significant breakthrough in the quest to find new treatments for diabetes.

Experimental Treatment for Type 1 Diabetes Patients Shows Promise

New research monitoring the effects of Islet cell transplantation resulted in near-normal metabolic control and decreased hypoglycemia.

Previously Unrecognized Testosterone Deficiency Common in Men with Type 1 Diabetes

Testosterone deficiency, previously recognized as common in men with type 2 diabetes, is also common in men with type 1 diabetes according to a new study.

Type 1 Diabetes Triggered by “Lazy” Regulatory T-Cells

A research team discovered that in some individuals, the specialized immunoregulatory T-cells that regulate the body's autoimmune reactions may lose their effectiveness and become "lazy" over time, leading to the onset of type 1 diabetes.

Researchers Present New Diabetes Findings

A new drug is showing great promise in returning patients with type 1 diabetes to insulin independence.