Type 2 Diabetes

The most current news about type 2 diabetes, formerly called adult-onset or noninsulin-dependent diabetes, including research, studies, treatments, management, causes, stories, potential cures and more.

Medication Can Help Diabetics Lose Weight, But Long-Term Effects Uncertain

An antidepressant drug and two medications for weight loss can help patients with diabetes achieve statistically significant weight loss over 26 to 52 weeks.

Erectile Dysfunction In Diabetic Men May Predict Silent Heart Disease

Men with type 2 diabetes who have difficulty achieving an erection could have heart disease and not realize it.

ALERT: Medtronic Recalls Quick-Set Plus Infusion Sets

Nationwide recall of Quick-set Plus infusion sets because of problems that can interrupt insulin flow to diabetics who use them.

Diabetes Linked To Increased Risk Of Alzheimer’s In Long-Term Study

Diabetes mellitus was linked to a 65 percent increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (AD), appearing to affect some aspects of cognitive function differently than others in a new study.

Mechanism Found That May Protect Kidneys In Early Stages Of Diabetes

Researchers have identified what they believe is a built-in biological mechanism that prevents kidney damage in the early stages of diabetes.

ACP Says That Many Diabetics Should Be Taking Statins

ACP: All people with type 2 diabetes mellitus and coronary artery disease, and all people with diabetes and any other risk for cardiovascular disease, should be taking cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins.

Weight Loss From a Fat Cell Hormone?

Researchers have established in an animal model that a hormone secreted by fat tissue acts in the brain to reduce body weight.

Revised Definition Means Millions More Have Pre-Diabetes

Pre-diabetes - a condition that raises a person's risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke - is far more common in America than previously believed.

Researchers One Step Closer To Creating Oral Insulin

researchers have shown that designer molecules can interact with the body's insulin receptor.

Vitamins Good For Some Older Diabetic Women, Bad For Others

Antioxidant vitamins can be friend or foe for older women with diabetes.

Cinnamon May Help To Alleviate Diabetes

Cinnamon may be more than a spice, it may have a medical application in preventing and combating diabetes.

Life Expectancy Of Diabetics 12 Years Less Than Others

Ontario diabetics live 12 to 13 years less than people without the disease, says a new study.

Researcher: Childhood Obesity Leads To Adult Diabetes

Researcher says parents, especially minority parents, now need to be concerned about Type 2 or adult-onset diabetes.

Study Will Identify Best Treatment For Type 2 Diabetes In Youth

A clinical study comparing three treatments of type 2 diabetes in children and teens has begun in 12 medical centers and their affiliated sites around the country.

Researchers Discover Link That Could Aid In Treatment Of Kidney Cyst Diseases

Researchers have uncovered a link between two cyst-forming diseases that affect the kidneys.

Researchers To Pinpoint Relationship Between Obesity-Associated Diabetes And Heart Disease

Expert will examine how obesity-associated diabetes leads to cardiovascular disease, in hopes of ultimately breaking this dangerous progression.