Type 2 Diabetes

The most current news about type 2 diabetes, formerly called adult-onset or noninsulin-dependent diabetes, including research, studies, treatments, management, causes, stories, potential cures and more.

Test Sugar Levels with Sweat

Wearable, Pain-Free Glucose Test Uses Sweat, Not Blood

Researchers have designed a wearable, flexible biosensor that can reliably detect and quantify glucose from very small amounts of human sweat for people with...
Liraglutide - Brand name Victoza

Diabetes Drug Lowers Cardiovascular and Kidney Complication Risk

For the first time, a large clinical trial showed across-the-board cardiovascular benefit of a common diabetes drug, a much-needed outcome for people with type...
Discover Could Prevent or Treat Diabetes and Obesity

Nischarin May Treat or Prevent Diabetes and Obesity

Researchers discovered the ability of Nischarin to treat or prevent metabolic diseases including obesity and diabetes.
This illustration shows the schematic procedure for the fabrication of a surface-enhanced Raman scattering contact lens via transfer printing.

Glucose-Sensing, Non-Invasive Contact Lens Invented

Researchers have announced an amazing new technology for people with diabetes that could allow blood-glucose level testing via a non-invasive contact lens that samples...
Pancreatic Cancer and Diabetes - Race

Diabetes May Signal Early Pancreatic Cancer, but Race Matters

A diagnosis of diabetes may also come with a more than threefold risk for developing pancreatic cancer for people, depending on their race.
Dorsal Root Ganglion - Diabetic Neuropathy

Phototherapy Used to Combat Neuropathic Pain

As diabetes progresses, the structure of the sciatic nerve's myelin sheath changes - but after four sessions of laser therapy treatment, researchers found that...
Diabetes and Fragile Bones

Causes of Diabetes Induced Bone Fragility Include Certain Drugs

Expert IOF review explains why people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are at higher risk of bone fragility, including the effect...
Chocolate for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention

Chocolate May Help Prevent or Delay Type 2 Diabetes, Says BYU Study

Chocolate may help prevent and treat diabetes according to a new BYU study, but there's a catch.

Invokana: First in a New Class of Diabetes Drugs Approved by FDA

The Food and Drug Administration has approved Invokana tablets, used with diet and exercise, to improve glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes.
Children with Diabetes - More Kids Being Diagnosed with Type 1 and 2 Diabetes

More Kids Being Diagnosed with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Rates of newly diagnosed cases of type 1 and 2 diabetes is on the rise among children and teens, with the fastest rise seen...
Insulin Prices Triple over 10 Years

Insulin Shock: Insulin Costs Tripled Over Last 10 years

Dramatic rise in insulin costs when compared with other diabetes therapies means it's time to look again at the effect, and the cost-effectiveness, of...
Photo of Platypus - Venom for Type 2 Diabetes

Platypus, Echidna Venom Spurs Type 2 Diabetes Discovery

An exciting discovery could help millions of people with type 2 diabetes regulate their blood sugar levels - and it involves platypus and echidna...

For Type 2 Diabetics, Wine Improves Sugar Control, Cholesterol and Heart Health

Drinking a glass of red wine every day as part of a healthy diet can help patients with type 2 diabetes improve cardiac health...
Photo - Testing for Peripherial Nerve Damage

Peripheral Nerve Damage Discovery: New Hope for Diabetics

New discovery could lead to effective repair therapies for those suffering peripheral nerve damage and offers hope to millions of people with diabetes. Research published...
Meat Assortment - Which one's increase diabetes risk

Eating Certain Meats Increases Diabetes Risk

A recent Duke study found an increased risk of diabetes with higher intake of certain meats, including red meat and chicken.
Photo of Couple with Doctor - Study: Type 2 Diabetes Reversed in Trial

Type 2 Diabetes Reversed in Trial Using New Medical Treatment

Details published by the Endocrine Society outline a medical treatment that successfully induced remission of type 2 diabetes in clinical trial participants. Type 2 diabetes...