Type 2 Diabetes

The most current news about type 2 diabetes, formerly called adult-onset or noninsulin-dependent diabetes, including research, studies, treatments, management, causes, stories, potential cures and more.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Fish Oil Supplements May Fight Against Type 2 Diabetes

Fish oil supplements modestly increase amounts of a hormone that is associated with lower risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Lots of Low-Fat Food is Better Than Small Portions of High-Fat Food

Diet of low-fat products is better than smaller portions of normal high-fat food for preventing diabetes in obese people.

Rotating Night Shift Work Linked to Increase in Type 2 Diabetes Risk in Women

Women who work an irregular schedule that includes three or more night shifts per month, in addition to day and evening working hours in that month, may have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Study Ties Sleep Apnea to Development of Diabetes

A new study has demonstrated a link between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and the development of diabetes.

Convenience Leads to Childhood Obesity

Two of the biggest influences on children - parents and schools - may unintentionally contribute to childhood obesity.
Discover Could Prevent or Treat Diabetes and Obesity

Nischarin May Treat or Prevent Diabetes and Obesity

Researchers discovered the ability of Nischarin to treat or prevent metabolic diseases including obesity and diabetes.

IDF Urges Healthcare Providers to Address the Relationship Between Type 2 Diabetes and Sleep...

Recent research demonstrates that type 2 diabetes and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are closely related, and that both disorders have significant implications on public health and on individuals.
Reducing Low Blood Sugar Danger for Hospitalized Patients

Hospital Study: Low Blood Sugar Levels Can Be Deadly

According to a new study, low blood glucose levels in hospitalized patients is linked to increased mortality risk, but a new guide has...

Study Shows Drug For Treating Type-2 Diabetes May Limit Heart Disease Risk

A drug used to treat high blood sugar in people with type-2 diabetes also may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Study Finds Clues To Diabetes Puzzle

A diabetes epidemic that appears to have claimed the life of composer Johann Sebastian Bach may explain disparities in diabetes rates among 21st-century ethnic groups.

Low Intake of Magnesium Increases Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Studies have shown that low intake of magnesium is a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes - but ethnicity and genes may make a difference.

Less of a Stink in Diabetes Patients?

Levels of rotten egg gas shown to be lower in patients with diabetes and influence how blood vessels work.

Old Diabetes Drug Teaches Experts New Tricks

The drug most commonly used in type 2 diabetics who don't need insulin works on a much more basic level than once thought.

Researchers Warn of Link Between Antipsychotic Drug and Onset of Diabetes

Research suggests there might be a link between at least one drug used to treat schizophrenia and the onset of diabetes.

Top-10 Comparison of Diabetes Drugs Give One a Top Grade by Johns Hopkins

A type 2 diabetes drug taken orally and in widespread use for more than a decade has been found to have distinct advantages over nine other, mostly newer medications used to control the chronic disease.
Diabetic Retinopathy and Depression

Diabetic Retinopathy Linked to Higher Depression Risk

Study details the association between severity of diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema with symptoms of depression and anxiety in adults with diabetes. In a...