Type 2 Diabetes

The most current news about type 2 diabetes, formerly called adult-onset or noninsulin-dependent diabetes, including research, studies, treatments, management, causes, stories, potential cures and more.

Scientists Identify a Critical Molecule That Helps Explain Why Diabetics Suffer from Non-Healing Wounds

Scientists have identified a critical molecule that helps explain why diabetics suffer from non-healing wounds and pinpoint a target for therapies that could help boost healing.
Mini-Organs Produce Insulin - Diabetes

Lab-Grown Mini-Organ Producing Insulin After Transplant

After decades of trying to replace insulin-producing cells, researchers have grown mini-organs that produce, and replenish, insulin after being transplanted. Researchers have spent decades trying...

Body Mass Index in Adolescence Associated with Early Occurrence of Diabetes and Heart Disease

Diabetes risk is mainly associated with increased body mass index (BMI) close to the time of diagnosis at early adulthood, while coronary heart disease risk is associated with elevated BMI both at adolescence and adulthood.

Weight Watchers Better for Type 2 Diabetes than Standard Care

Study to see if Weight Watchers led to better outcomes for people with type 2 diabetes than standard care has been published - showing...

FDA Clears Home Glycated Hemoglobin Test For Diabetics

FDA has cleared the first over-the-counter test that measures glycated hemoglobin in people with diabetes.

Study: Liver Signal Critical For Insulin’s Brain Action

New research identifies a key player in the body's ability to respond to insulin action in the brain by ratcheting down the export of blood sugar from the liver. Findings point to a potential new drug target for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Test for diabetes blindness and amputation

Free Tool Predicts Blindness and Amputation Risk in Diabetics

Researchers from University of Nottingham have developed software that helps predict the risk of blindness and amputation in people living with type 1 or...
Artificial Sweeteners, weight gain and diabetes

Review Suggests Artificial Sweeteners Contribute to Weight Gain, Type 2 Diabetes

Here's a bitter pill to swallow: Artificial sweeteners may be doing more harm than good according to a newly published review.
Nicotine Increases Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Study Links Nicotine to Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Diabetes is far more prevalent in smokers than non-smokers, but the reasons why have remained unknown until now.

Diabetic Patients at Risk From Even Mild Coronary Artery Disease

According to a new long-term study, diabetic patients with even mild coronary artery disease face the same relative risk for a heart attack or other major adverse heart events as diabetics with serious single-vessel obstructive disease.

FDA Warns About 2 Diabetes Drugs, Avandia and Avandamet

GlaxoSmithKline and FDA notified healthcare professionals about post-marketing reports of new onset and worsening diabetic macular edema for patients receiving rosiglitazone.
Diabetes Drug and Genital Infections

Alert: SGLT2 Inhibitors for Diabetes May Cause Serious Genital Infection

Warning that cases of a rare but serious infection of the genitals and area around the genitals have been reported with the class of type 2 diabetes medicines.

Increased Risk for Carb Cravings Among Diabetics with Sleep Apnea

Researchers are encouraging primary care physicians to screen for obstructive sleep apnea in patients with Type 2 diabetes. They found that the risk for sleep apnea was higher among diabetics compared with non-diabetics, and that sleep apnea seemed to be associated with carbohydrate craving.

Popular Diabetes Medication Also Lowers Risk of Dementia

People with diabetes have a greater risk of developing dementia than non-diabetics. Now, a study shows that a popular diabetes medication has the added...

Early Research Shows Dietary Supplement May Lower Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes

UCLA researchers demonstrated that an over-the-counter dietary supplement may help inhibit development of insulin resistance and glucose intolerance, conditions that are involved in the development of Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome, which affect millions worldwide.

Study: Type 2 Diabetes Risk Linked to Melatonin Levels

New research finds that the amount of melatonin a person secretes during sleep may predict their risk of developing type 2 diabetes.