Exercise Related News

Exercise related news and information about how exercise affects diabetes, pre-diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and more.

Study: 15 Minutes of Moderate Daily Exercise Lengthens Life

Taiwanese who exercise for 15 minutes a day, or 92 minutes per week, extended their expected lifespan by three years compared to people who are inactive, according to a study published in The Lancet.

Exercising with Peers Has Added Appeal, Group Exercise is Highly Motivating

A new study in the April issue of the Annals of Behavioral Medicine has found if given a choice of exercising alone, with people younger or older or with people their same age, most adults would rather exercise with others in their own age group.

Studies: Children’s Health Provided Added Benefit from Longer Exercise

Twenty minutes of daily, vigorous physical activity over just three months can reduce a child's risk of diabetes as well as his total body fat - including dangerous, deep abdominal fat - but 40 minutes works even better...

Study: More Evidence That Exercise Pivotal in Preventing or Fighting Diabetes

A new study says that acute exercise, as little as 15 minutes a day, can have a profound influence on preventing and fighting the disease.

NIH Launches First Study to Examine Long-Term Effects of Weight Loss and Exercise in...

The first long-term study to look at the effects of weight loss in people with type 2 diabetes was launched at the annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association today.

Few Children Walk or Bike Even Short Distances to School

Nationwide, more than a third of children live within a mile of their schools, yet only half of those students regularly bike or walk to class, a new study concludes.

Just 2-Minutes of Walking Per Hour Offsets the Hazards of Sitting

Standing may not be enough to offset the hazards of sitting for long periods of time, but adding as little as 2-minutes of walking...

Researchers Looking At How Neighborhoods Contribute To Healthy Lifestyles

The project by nutrition researchers from Virginia Tech's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences is part of efforts to learn how a neighborhood influences physical activity and diet.

Diabetics with Previous Foot Ulcers May Be Able to Participate in Walking Program

Individuals with DM+PN might be able to engage in a graduated walking program under close supervision of a medical professional and thus prevent other life threatening illnesses.

Exercise in Itself Improves Blood Glucose Control in Type 2 Diabetes

Exercise, dietary changes and medication have long been the cornerstones of managing type 2 diabetes. But few studies examine how exercise actually benefits these patients.

Diet and Exercise Dramatically Delay Type 2 Diabetes: Diabetes Medication Metformin Also Effective

At least 10 million Americans at high risk for type 2 diabetes can sharply lower their chances of getting the disease with diet and exercise, according to the findings of a major clinical trial.

Adult Lifestyle Biggest Risk Factor For Diabetes

Adult lifestyle has more influence on your chances of developing diabetes than childhood experience, according to new research whose findings contradict previously-held beliefs.

Study: Healthy Behaviors in Mid-life Increase Odds of Successful Aging Significantly

Engaging in a combination of healthy behaviours, such as not smoking, moderate alcohol consumption, exercise, and eating fruits and vegetables daily makes it significantly more likely people will stay healthy as they age.

Overweight Hispanic Youth Face Increased Risk of Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome

New research shows that large numbers of overweight Hispanic youth already have complications of obesity, including impaired glucose tolerance, which can lead to diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.

Study Gets Obese Mice Moving and Cures Their Diabetes

Blood sugar control in those animals can be completely restored by returning leptin sensitivity to a single class of neurons in the brain.

Exercise, Not Diet, May Be Best Defense Against Heart Disease

Despite widespread attention to diet, calorie intake may not be a major factor in causing death by heart disease.