Heart Disease and Diabetes

Current news, research and studies about heart disease, including stroke, cardiac arrest, clogged arteries, embolisms, stents, bypass surgery, statins, and more.

Phenolic Compounds May Explain Mediterranean Diet Benefits

Phenolic compounds in olive oil, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-clotting properties, may explain cardiovascular health benefits associated with the so-called Mediterranean Diet, according to a new study.

Diabetic Blacks Have Less Coronary Artery Disease Than Diabetic Whites

In a surprising outcome, investigators at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center found that diabetic black men have dramatically lower amounts of atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, than diabetic white men.

First Link Found Between Obesity, Inflammation And Vascular Disease

Human fat cells produce a protein that is linked to both inflammation and an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

Guidant Initiates Voluntary Physician Advisory on Certain Pacemakers

Guidant Corporation announced that it is informing physicians about two separate failure modes, each occurring at a low rate, being monitored within the INSIGNIA® and NEXUS® families of Guidant implantable pacemakers.

Mayo Clinic Study: Don’t Stop Taking Aspirin Before Heart Surgery

A new Mayo Clinic study provides further evidence of aspirin's benefits for patients with heart disease and suggests they should continue taking it even in the days leading up to surgery.

Action of Nitroglycerin For Chest Pain May Place Some Patients at Risk

Nitroglycerin relaxes blood vessels to boost blood flow, yet the mechanism by which the drug works has remained a matter of scientific controversy.

New Heart Failure Guidelines Stress Early Diagnosis And Treatment

Early diagnosis and new treatments can help battle heart failure -- a growing national problem that causes 1 million hospital admissions each year.

More Is Better, At Least In Angioplasty

Before patients get their clogged heart arteries re-opened, they may want to ask their doctor just how many such procedures he or she has done, a new study finds.

Slower Care For Heart Attack Patients Treated Off Hours And Weekends

Heart attack patients treated with primary percutaneous intervention at hospitals after hours and on weekends wait longer to receive clot busters and other treatments and have a higher risk of death than those treated during regular hours.

High Levels of Leisure-Time Physical Activity Cut Stroke Risk

High levels of physical activity, such as running, swimming or heavy gardening during leisure time can reduce your risk of stroke In addition, walking or biking to and from work for up to 29 minutes a day may also reduce the risk.

Prehypertension Triples Heart Attack Risk

People with prehypertension are at much higher risk of heart attack and heart disease, according to a study published in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association.

Tight Glucose Control Lowers Cardiovascular Disease by About 50-percent in Diabetes

New study results confirm that intensive treatment of diabetic patients results in a significantly lower risk of heart disease. In fact, it can cut the risk of cardiovascular disease nearly in half.

Diabetes Medication Pioglitazone Hcl May Improve Predictors Of Cardiovascular Risk

Study results found that the diabetes medication pioglitazone HCl reduced carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT).

Liver May Be Source of ‘Good’ Cholesterol

Research suggests that the liver may produce most of the body's "good" cholesterol, an unexpected finding that might one day help scientists develop new treatments to raise levels of this heart-protecting molecule in humans.

Exercise Combats Metabolic Syndrome in Older Adults

Moderate program of physical exercise in people age 55 to 75 can significantly offset risk factors metabolic syndrome.

Heart Failure Patients Treated for Diabetes with Insulin Have Increase in Mortality

Advanced heart failure patients with diabetes who are treated with insulin faced a mortality rate four times higher than heart failure patients with diabetes treated with oral medications.