New Therapy for Coronary Artery Disease
Promising results from a study of therapeutic angiogenesis may translate into a future treatment option for people who suffer from chest pain caused by coronary artery disease.
Insulin May Prevent Thrombosis Leading to Heart Attack and Stroke
Study Suggests Insulin May Have Potential to Prevent Thrombosis Leading to Heart Attack and Stroke, Reduces factors promoting clotting, platelet aggregation
Stress Causes Heart-Damaging Fats to Stay in Blood Longer
A new study has found the first evidence that short periods of psychological stress can cause the body to take longer to clear heart-damaging fats from the bloodstream.
Depression Raises Heart Failure Rate in Elderly Women
A new study shows that depression is associated with an increased incidence of heart failure in elderly women, but not elderly men.
Study Finds DASH Diet And Reduced Sodium Lowers Blood Pressure For All
The DASH diet plus reduced dietary sodium lowers blood pressure for all persons, according to the first detailed subgroup analysis of the DASH study results.
Infection Cited As A Direct Link To Artery Thickening
A person’s risk of dying from heart disease may be predicted by the number of infectious agents present in the blood, according to a report in today’s Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association.
Blood Pressure Medications Not Equal, Researchers Say
A blood pressure medicine's success at lowering pressure shouldn't be the only measure of its effectiveness, say researchers from Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center and colleagues in an editorial in this week's Annals of Internal Medicine.
Cardiac Stress Tests May Indicate If Blockages Will Recur After Angioplasty With Stent Implant
A nuclear cardiac stress test administered shortly after a coronary angioplasty with stent implantation may give important clues to whether the procedure was successful or whether the patient will require more procedures.
Ibuprofen Blocks Aspirin’s Ability To Protect Against Heart Attacks
The ibuprofen that you take to ease arthritis pain can counteract the aspirin that you take to protect your heart, according to researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
High Blood Triglycerides Are Independent Risk Factor For Stroke
For the first time, researchers have shown that high triglycerides – a type of blood fat – are a strong independent predictor of a person’s risk for stroke.
Two New Treatments for Congestive Heart Failure
Researchers continue to develop treatments for this condition, in which the heart cannot adequately pump blood around the body, causing fluid to seep into the lungs and hinder breathing. Two of these treatments - a drug injection and a new type of pacemaker -recently were approved by the FDA.
Unique Study to Begin Examination of Whether Treating Periodontal Disease Cuts Heart Disease
Mounting scientific evidence has suggested that a significant link exists between heart and gum disease.
World’s Largest Cholesterol-Lowering Trial Reveals Massive Benefits for High-Risk Patients
Around a third of all heart attacks and strokes can be avoided in people at risk of vascular disease by using statin drugs to lower blood cholesterol levels – irrespective of the person’s age or sex, and even if their cholesterol levels do not seem high.
Short Legs Associated With Precursor of Diabetes and Heart Disease
Short-legged men have an increased risk of heart disease and a condition that leads to diabetes, insulin resistance syndrome, shows research in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
Nurses Health Study Links Dietary Glycemic Load with Cardiovascular Risk Factors
A study by Liu et al. strengthens the evidence that glycemic load, a measure of carbohydrate intake, can predict cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk, especially in those who are insulin resistant.
Do Eggs Have a Lipid That Lowers Cholesterol Absorption?
Nutrition researchers at Kansas State University have published the first evidence that the absorption of cholesterol is reduced by another compound in the egg, a lecithin.