High Blood Pressure

Current news, research and studies about high blood pressure (or hypertension), including anxiety, stress, sodium, diet, hypertension, niacin, and more.

New P.E. Study Demonstrates Vigorous Exercise Can Lower Adolescents’ Body Fat, Blood Pressure

By cutting the time adolescents spend standing around in school physical education classes and boosting the amount of exercise they do, experts have shown they can control the children's body fat and lower their blood pressure.

Low-Sodium Diet Does Not Raise Blood Cholesterol Levels

Reducing the amount of sodium in a person's diet does not increase blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Scientists Discover a Gene that Ties Stress to Obesity and Diabetes

The constant stress that many are exposed to in our modern society may be taking a heavy toll: Anxiety disorders and depression, as well as metabolic (substance exchange) disorders, including obesity, type 2 diabetes and arteriosclerosis, have all been linked to stress.

Diabetes, Hypertension in Pregnancy Can Raise Heart Disease Risk, say Pittsburgh Researchers

Women who have pregnancy-related high blood pressure conditions or diabetes can develop heart disease risk factors as soon as two years after giving birth.
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Magnesium Improves Diabetes-Related Health, Hypertension, Cholesterol, Weight and More

Beneficial relationship found between dietary magnesium intake and diabetes-related outcomes, affecting metabolic syndrome risk, obesity and weight, blood pressure, and HDL (good) cholesterol. Learn...

Single Enzyme May Be Linked to Obesity

The increased activity of a single enzyme in fat cells may be a common cause of obesity and obesity-linked diseases, including diabetes.

Working Class People Feel Greater Blood Pressure Effects From Stress

Mental stress causes a rise in blood pressure that lasts longer in lower-class workers than upper-class workers, leading to a greater risk of heart disease or stroke.

Fat in the Liver, Not the Belly, is a Better Marker for Disease Risk

New findings suggest that it's not whether body fat is stored in the belly that affects metabolic risk factors for diabetes, high blood triglycerides and cardiovascular disease, but whether it collects in the liver.

Lower Blood Pressure Decreases Heart Attack Risk in Diabetics With Clogged Leg Arteries

Lowering blood pressure can reduce heart attacks and other cardiovascular events in people with diabetes who also have clogged leg arteries.

Adult Hypertension Risk Can be Identified in Childhood

Findings published in the international journal Hypertension detail screening methods to help clinicians identify young people who may develop high blood pressure later in...

American Heart Association Updates Heart Attack, Stroke Prevention Guidelines

To avert a first heart attack or stroke, physicians should routinely assess patients' general risk of cardiovascular disease beginning at age 20, according to new American Heart Association recommendations.

Cardiac Stress Tests May Indicate If Blockages Will Recur After Angioplasty With Stent Implant

A nuclear cardiac stress test administered shortly after a coronary angioplasty with stent implantation may give important clues to whether the procedure was successful or whether the patient will require more procedures.

Babies Fond of Salt Have Higher Blood Pressure, a Grandparent with Hypertension

Within three days of birth some babies exhibit a unique response to salty taste – and the response is strongest in babies who have at least one grandparent with a history of hypertension.

Study Documents Hypertension Association with Obesity and Heavy Alcohol Consumption

Race and ethnicity, age, obesity, and heavy alcohol consumption are strongly associated with hypertension in both men and women over the age of 40.

Top Number Too High in Blood Pressures of People Over Age Fifty

In one of the largest analyses of its kind, researchers found that most middle-aged and older individuals with high blood pressure have a form of the disease in which their systolic pressure – the top number in a blood pressure reading – is too high, according to a study in the March issue of Hypertension: Journal of the American Heart Association.

Healthy Weight Means Healthier Blood Lipid Profile In Children

Study shows maintaining a healthy weight in children may be one good way for them to keep a healthy blood lipid profile and grow up with a happy heart.