High Cholesterol

Current news, research and studies about high cholesterol, including treatments, potential cures, diet, drugs and medicines, natural remedies and more.

Drug Lowers Conversion to Type 2 Diabetes by 81% in Multicenter Study

Individuals in a prediabetic state who were treated with the oral medication pioglitazone were 81 percent less likely to convert to diabetes than those who received a placebo.

Green, Black Tea Extracts Found to Lower Cholesterol

Clinical trial is the first human study to find that a tea product lowers cholesterol.

Pesticide Exposure in Womb Linked to Slow Metabolism, Obesity and Diabetes

The study is the first to show that developmental exposure increases the risk of females later developing metabolic syndrome -- a cluster of conditions that include increased body fat, blood glucose, and cholesterol.

Extended-Release Niacin Effective in Low Doses for Diabetics

Niacin, a medication once discouraged for the treatment of lipid abnormalities in patients with diabetes, has the potential ability, when given in low doses, to be well-tolerated and effective.

Lipids Vary By Race, Gender

When it comes to lipid profiles, it appears that African-Americans and women have it better than whites and men.

Key Fat and Cholesterol Cell Regulator Identified, Promising Target

Researchers have identified how a molecular switch regulates fat and cholesterol production, a step that may help advance treatments for metabolic syndrome, the constellation of diseases that includes high cholesterol, obesity, type II diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Cooking Oil to Fight Fat and Cholesterol?

Study of new blend of cooking oil that enables people to heighten their metabolism, lower their cholesterol and, in some cases, lose weight.

Study Suggests High Consumption of Omega-3’s Reduces Obesity-Related Disease Risk

A study suggests that a high intake of omega-3 fats from fish helps prevent obesity-related chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

New Review Suggests Caution on Drugs to Raise

A new review suggests that so far, only modest evidence supports the use of most medications to raise levels of high-density lipoprotein (good cholesterol).

Study Identifies Key Factor that Links Metabolic Syndrome

A new study led by researchers at Joslin Diabetes Center has identified insulin resistance in the liver as a key factor in the cause of metabolic syndrome and its associated atherosclerosis.

Statins May Simulate Stem Cells For Heart Repair

The drug pravastatin, which is used widely to decrease high cholesterol, may provide a previously unknown cardiovascular benefit in addition to lowering lipids.

Study: New Research Finds Direct Link Between High Cholesterol and Prostate Cancer

Researchers from Italy have found what they believe to be the first direct link between high cholesterol levels and prostate cancer.

Low-Carb Diets Linked to Atherosclerosis and Impaired Blood Vessel Growth

Even as low-carbohydrate/high-protein diets have proven successful at helping individuals rapidly lose weight, little is known about the diets' long-term effects on vascular health.
Statins and Memory Loss

Short-Term Memory Loss Due to Statin Drugs Not Likely

Researchers have examined the link between statins, which are cholesterol-lowering drugs, and memory impairment. Findings suggests that statin users need not worry about an...

Study: Plant Sterol Pills Significantly Lower LDL Cholesterol

A pill containing plant substances called sterols can help lower cholesterol.

Study: Widely-Used Nutritional Supplement Does Not Improve Cholesterol Levels

A new study suggests that use of the nutritional supplement policosanol does not lower cholesterol levels any more than placebo, apparently contradicting the results of previous studies.