Diabetes Related Health News

News about conditions related to diabetes, or diseases that people with diabetes often have, such as neuropathy, kidney failure, Alzheimer’s disease, hypertension, heart disease, blindness and more.

Birch Bark Ingredient Comes with Many Metabolic Benefits

An ingredient found in abundance in birch bark appears to have an array of metabolic benefits, according to new studies that are reported in the January issue of Cell Metabolism.

Routine Blood Test May Identify People with Pre-Diabetes, Cutting Later Treatment Costs

A simpler form of testing individuals with risk factors for diabetes could improve diabetes prevention efforts by substantially increasing the number of individuals who complete testing and learn whether or not they are likely to develop diabetes.

Researchers Find Rising Levels of Hypertension in Older Mexican-Americans

A new study reveals that the prevalence of hypertension in older Mexican-Americans living in the Southwest region of the United States has increased in the last decade.

Culprit Found for Increased Stroke Injury with Diabetes

Studies pinpointed a new mechanism involving a protein called plasma kallikrein that interferes with the normal clotting process in the brain following blood vessel injury with diabetes.

New Measure Trumps HDL Levels in Protecting Against Heart Disease

Recent findings have called into question the notion that pharmacologic increases in HDL cholesterol levels are necessarily beneficial to patients.

Adopting Healthy Habits in Youth Associated with More Favorable Cholesterol Levels in Adulthood

Lifestyle changes between childhood and adulthood appear associated with whether an individual will maintain, improve or develop high-risk cholesterol levels.

Tomatoes Found to Contain Nutrient Which Prevents Vascular Diseases

They are the most widely produced fruit in the world and now scientists in Japan have discovered that tomatoes contain a nutrient which could tackle the onset of vascular diseases.

Traffic Noise Increases the Risk of Having a Stroke

Exposure to noise from road traffic can increase the risk of stroke, particularly in those aged 65 years and over.

Study: Room Light Before Bedtime May Impact Sleep Quality, Blood Pressure and Diabetes Risk

According to a recent study, exposure to electrical light between dusk and bedtime strongly suppresses melatonin levels and may impact physiologic processes regulated by melatonin signaling, such as sleepiness, thermoregulation, blood pressure and glucose homeostasis.

Diabetes Drug Could Work Against Alzheimer’s

Metformin, a drug used in type 2-diabetes might have the potential to also act against Alzheimer's disease.

Insulin Resistance May be Associated with Stroke Risk

Insulin resistance, a condition in which insulin produced by the body becomes less effective in reducing blood glucose levels, appears to be associated with an increased risk of stroke in individuals without diabetes.

Study: Too Much Light at Night May Lead to Obesity

Persistent exposure to light at night may lead to weight gain, even without changing physical activity or eating more food.

Key Action of a Gene Linked to Both Alzheimer’s Disease and Type 2 Diabetes...

A research team has identified the mechanism behind a single gene linked to the causes of both Alzheimer's disease and Type 2 diabetes.

Adolescents with Type 2 Diabetes Have Diminished Cognitive Performance and Brain Abnormalities

A study has found that obese adolescents with type 2 diabetes have diminished cognitive performance and subtle abnormalities in the brain as detected by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).

Aggressive Control of Cardiac Risk Factors Might Not Benefit All Patients with Diabetes

Report suggests that aggressively pursuing low blood pressure and cholesterol levels may not benefit, and could even harm, some patients with diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes Medication Rosiglitazone Associated with Increased Cardiovascular Risks and Death

A new study published by JAMA shows that among patients age 65 years and older, rosiglitazone is associated with an increased risk of stroke, heart failure, and all-cause mortality when compared with pioglitazone.