Home Diabetes Related Health News

Diabetes Related Health News

News about conditions related to diabetes, or diseases that people with diabetes often have, such as neuropathy, kidney failure, Alzheimer’s disease, hypertension, heart disease, blindness and more.

Top Number Too High in Blood Pressures of People Over Age Fifty

In one of the largest analyses of its kind, researchers found that most middle-aged and older individuals with high blood pressure have a form of the disease in which their systolic pressure – the top number in a blood pressure reading – is too high, according to a study in the March issue of Hypertension: Journal of the American Heart Association.

Early Childhood Diet May Influence Future Health, Diabetes

If you have trouble keeping weight off and you're wondering why - the surprising answer may well be the cheeseburgers you ate - when you were a toddler.

Changes to Protein SirT1 May Prevent Excess Metabolic Stress Associated Diabetes and Aging

Researchers find changes to protein SirT1 can prevent excess metabolic stress associated with obesity, diabetes and aging.

New Clues To How Major Weight-Loss Drugs Work

Some of the most important weight-loss drugs work by enhancing the effect of the brain chemical serotonin. These include sibutramine and fenfluramine, which was recalled after the combination with dexfenfluramine, called fen-phen, was linked to potentially fatal heart valve abnormalities.

One in Six Americans Have Pre-Diabetes and Most Don’t Know It

Fifty-four million Americans - that's one in six of us -- have pre-diabetes and most don't even realize it. Mark Schutta, MD, medical director of the Penn Rodebaugh Diabetes Center, is urging at-risk patients to be proactive and ask your doctor to give you a simple blood test for pre-diabetes - to arm yourself with information before the damage is done.

Stanford Researcher Studies Newly Discovered ‘Good’ Cholesterol Gene

Study could lead to new therapies for heart disease.

Researcher Breaks Down Cholesterol Mystery

Scientist: chylomicrons gather on arterial walls and may be as dangerous or more dangerous than low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in causing strokes and heart attacks.

Higher Heart Disease and Diabetes Risk for 3 Million U.S. Kids

A Wake Forest study found that the children showed early signs of heart disease and diabetes, with the differences most notable in boys. More than...

Rapid Weight Gain in Infancy May Lead to Obesity at Age 7

apid rates of weight gain during infancy could be linked to obesity later in childhood, report researchers in the February issue of Pediatrics.

Access to Healthy Foods Limited In Poor Neighborhoods

Wealthier neighborhoods have more than three times as many supermarkets as poor neighborhoods, limiting access for many people to the basic elements of a healthy diet, according to a new study.
Dimenta Risk due to Insulin Resistance

Insulin Resistance Speeds Up Cognitive Decline, Dimentia

Researchers report that executive function and memory are particularly vulnerable to the effects of insulin resistance, which may increase the risk of dimentia later...

Taking Statins Before Aneurysm Repair Improves Outcomes

According to research published in Vascular, patients taking cholesterol-lowering statins before endovascular aortic aneurysm surgery are more likely to survive. Rupture of an abdominal aortic...

Product Used to Lower Cholesterol Works No Better Than Placebo

A natural extract often favored by health-conscious Americans as an alternative to manufactured drugs in lowering cholesterol has turned out to be no more effective than a placebo.

Diabetes May Double Cancer Risk in Women

A new study finds that type 2 adult-onset diabetes has a surprisingly positive effect on reducing the rate of prostate cancer in men, but may double the risk of female genital and other cancers.
Chronic Disease in Men from Plastic

Chronic Disease in Men Linked to Chemicals in These Plastics

Chemicals found in everyday plastics materials are linked to cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure in men, according to researchers.

Trastuzumab Raises Heart Problem Risk in the Elderly with History of Diabetes or Heart...

The 1st study to investigate the effect of the breast cancer drug trastuzumab (Herceptin) on heart and vascular function in elderly patients has found that it increases the risk of heart problems, particularly in women with a history of heart disease, diabetes or both.