Diabetes Related Health News

News about conditions related to diabetes, or diseases that people with diabetes often have, such as neuropathy, kidney failure, Alzheimer’s disease, hypertension, heart disease, blindness and more.

Fat on Chest and Upper Back Increases Risk of Insulin Resistance

Upper trunk fat, deposits of fat on the chest and back, is associated with an increased risk of insulin resistance, a condition that is a precursor of type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes Appears to Increase Risk of Death for Patients With Acute Coronary Syndromes

Individuals with diabetes and acute coronary syndromes (ACS) such as a heart attack or unstable angina have an increased risk of death at 30 days and one year after ACS, compared with ACS patients without diabetes.

Obesity Linked to Hyperparathyroidism in Chronic Kidney Disease

For patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), the risk of elevated levels of parathyroid hormone (PTH), or hyperparathyroidism increases along with body weight.

Abnormal Fat Metabolism Underlies Heart Problems in Diabetic Patients

In those with diabetes, cardiovascular complications occur at an earlier age and often result in premature death, making heart disease the major killer of diabetic people. But why?

Reanalysis of Controversial Meta-Analysis Says Writing Off Rosiglitazone May Be Premature

A re-analysis of the data used linking heart problems to Rosiglitazone (Avandia) for the treatment of type 2 diabetes suggests that the earlier methodology may have resulted in inflated risk estimates.

New Review Suggests Caution on Drugs to Raise

A new review suggests that so far, only modest evidence supports the use of most medications to raise levels of high-density lipoprotein (good cholesterol).

Is Fat the New Normal? Researcher Says Yes

American women have gotten fatter as it has become more socially acceptable to carry a few extra pounds, according to a new study.

Maternal Obesity Prior to Pregnancy Associated with Birth Defects

Mothers of babies born with some structural birth defects, including missing limbs, malformed hearts and underdeveloped spinal cords, appear more likely to be obese prior to becoming pregnant than mothers whose children are born without such defects.

Using Stem Cells to Help Heart Attack Victims

New research at The University of Nottingham is paving the way for techniques that use stem cells to repair the damage caused by heart attacks.

Study: Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs Don’t Offset Healthy Choices

Within the medical field, it is often assumed that patients view cholesterol-lowering medications (or statins) as a license to eat whatever they like - they figure their medication has them covered, so a steak here and there won't hurt.

Dietary Supplement Can Turn the Skin Permanently Blue

Colloidal silver is peddled as a cold medicine, decongestant, all-around germ fighter, and a kind of cure-all. Is there any legitimate reason for taking the dietary supplement?

Metabolic Syndrome – Don’t Blame the Belly Fat

Abdominal fat, the spare tire that many of us carry, has long been implicated as a primary suspect in causing the metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions that includes the most dangerous heart attack risk factors: prediabetes, diabetes, high blood pressure, and changes in cholesterol.

New Role for Protein in Fat Cells May Improve Understanding of Obesity and Diabetes

Scientists have shown for the first time that a protein involved in the transfer of fat in the blood may also influence how fat cells store fat.

Obesity Found to be a Risk Factor for Multiple Myeloma

An obese person is more likely than a lean person to develop multiple myeloma, according to researchers. Their findings indicate that Body Mass Index provides an indicator for one's risk of developing multiple myeloma.

Few Children Walk or Bike Even Short Distances to School

Nationwide, more than a third of children live within a mile of their schools, yet only half of those students regularly bike or walk to class, a new study concludes.

Obesity Rates Continue to Climb in the United States

The U.S. obesity prevalence increased from 13 percent to 32 percent between the 1960s and 2004.