Diabetes Related Health News

News about conditions related to diabetes, or diseases that people with diabetes often have, such as neuropathy, kidney failure, Alzheimer’s disease, hypertension, heart disease, blindness and more.

Obesity Rates Continue to Climb in the United States

The U.S. obesity prevalence increased from 13 percent to 32 percent between the 1960s and 2004.

Consumption of Small Amounts of Dark Chocolate Associated With Reduction in Blood Pressure

Eating about 30 calories a day of dark chocolate was associated with a lowering of blood pressure, without weight gain or other adverse effects.

Study: Dietary Counseling Results in Weight Loss of Approximately 6 Percent of Body Weight...

Dietary counseling has resulted in weight loss of approximately 6 percent of initial body weight (approximately 10-15 pounds) after one year, compared with people not involved in formal weight loss programs.

Research: College Students Face Obesity, High Blood Pressure, Metabolic Syndrome

New data on the widely unstudied demographic of college students indicates that this group of 18 to 24-year-olds are on the path toward chronic health diseases.

Researchers Isolate New Risk Marker for Overweight Children

A study of overweight children has revealed they all share something in common aside from being heavy: each one of them has high levels of apoB48, a structural protein found in intestinal cholesterol.

Risk of Stroke Doubles if Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes

Individuals diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes are at double the risk of having a stroke compared to those without diabetes, according to new research.

Type 1 Diabetes and Heart Disease: Heavier May Mean Healthier

Researchers have found that more fat may have some advantages, at least for people, particularly women, who have type 1 diabetes.

Portion-Control Dishes May Help Obese Diabetics Lose Weight

A plate and cereal bowl with markers for proper portion sizes appear to help obese patients with diabetes lose weight and decrease their use of glucose-controlling medications.

Weight Management Program Improves Body Fat Levels, Diabetes Risk Factors for Overweight Children

Children who participated in a family-based weight management program designed for inner-city minority children had better outcomes regarding weight gain, body fat, body mass index (BMI) and insulin sensitivity compared to children who received traditional weight counseling in a clinic.

Loss of Stem Cells Correlates with Premature Aging in Animal Study

Researchers found that deleting a gene important in embryo development leads to premature aging and loss of stem cell reservoirs in adult mice. This gene, ATR, is essential for the body's response to damaged DNA.

Diabetes Associated with Decreases in Life Expectancy and Number of Years Free of Heart...

Men and women with diabetes at age 50 and older appear not to live as long overall, or have as many years without cardiovascular disease, than individuals without diabetes.

Calorie Density Key to Losing Weight

Eating smart, not eating less, may be the key to losing weight. A year-long clinical trial by Penn State researchers shows that diets focusing on foods that are low in calorie density can promote healthy weight loss while helping people to control hunger.

Researchers Discover Link Between Common Sleep Disorder and High Blood Pressure

An international team of researchers has found evidence that people suffering from moderate to severe cases of restless legs syndrome (RLS) are at significantly increased risk for developing hypertension.

It’s Safe for Obese Moms-to-Be to Lose Weight During Pregnancy

Research finds doctors should encourage most overweight women to diet and exercise during pregnancy.

Hormone That Signals Fullness Also Curbs Fast Food Consumption and Tendency to Binge Eat

The synthetic form of a hormone previously found to produce a feeling of fullness when eating and reduce body weight, also may help curb binge eating and the desire to eat high-fat foods and sweets.

Lack of Sun Does Not Explain Low Vitamin D in Elderly Who Are Overweight

Researchers have found that lack of sun exposure may not account for low levels of vitamin D in elders who are overweight.