Diabetes Related Health News

News about conditions related to diabetes, or diseases that people with diabetes often have, such as neuropathy, kidney failure, Alzheimer’s disease, hypertension, heart disease, blindness and more.

Strong Evidence Links Soft Drink Consumption to Obesity, Diabetes

The case against swigging soda just got stronger. A review of 88 studies finds strong evidence to reduce population consumption of soft drinks.

Garlic Does Not Appear to Lower Cholesterol Levels; May Still Possess Cardiovascular Benefits

Three forms of garlic, including raw garlic and two types of commercial garlic supplements, did not significantly reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad") cholesterol during a six-month trial.

Statin Therapy Cuts Bad Cholesterol Unprecedented 70-Percent

Research shows that a combination statin therapy lowers bad cholesterol by an unprecedented 70 percent, and has the added benefit of reducing life-threatening inflammation that can lead to heart disease and stroke.

Parents Blind to Their Children’s Weight

Researchers surveyed more than 1200 families to find out if parents had concerns about their children's weight and if they took any preventative action to avoid obesity in their children.

Interfering with Vagal Nerve Activity Prevents Diabetes and Hypertension in Study

Interrupting nerve signals to the liver can prevent diabetes and hypertension in mice, according to scientists at Washington University School of Medicine.

Study: Certain Antihypertensive Drugs May Facilitate and/or Prevent Diabetes While Others Increase Risk

Researchers have found significant differences between antihypertensive drugs and their effect on developing diabetes.

Study: Weight-Loss Supplement Shows Good and Bad Traits

A supplement some people turn to in hopes of losing a few pounds may have some previously unknown, unsavory side effects, suggest two new studies.

High Rate of Overweight and Obesity Found in Children Having Surgery

A very high proportion of children who are having surgery are overweight or obese, and because of the excess weight have a greater chance of experiencing problems associated with the surgery, according to a new study.

Obesity Surgeries Have Jumped Dramatically Since 1998

Obesity surgeries for patients between the ages of 55 and 64 in the United States soared from 772 procedures in 1998 to 15,086 surgeries in 2004—a nearly 2,000 percent increase. The report also found a 726 percent increase in surgeries among patients age 18 to 54.

Study: Low-Protein, Low-Calorie Dieters Have Reduced Levels of Hormone Linked to Cancer

Preliminary findings suggest that eating less protein may help protect against certain cancers that are not directly associated with obesity.

Poll: Obesity Cited Number-One Kids’ Health Issue: Americans Split on Who’s Responsible

Obesity or being overweight is seen as the most important health issue for U.S. children, according to a new poll.

Video Gaming Puts Children More At-Risk for Behavioral and Health Problems

Video game makers seem to be addressing concerns about how playing affects children. But too much gaming still puts children more at-risk for behavioral and health problems, health experts say.

Researchers: Statin Users Risk Heart Attacks by Dropping Treatment or Taking Low Doses

Thousands of statin users worldwide are suffering preventable heart attacks, simply because they are not complying with their treatment or are taking too low a dose, according to new research.

Diabetes Medication May Help Slow Progression Of Artery Wall Thickening

A medication given to diabetics to improve their body's sensitivity to insulin also appears to slow the thickening of their artery walls, according to a study by JAMA.

Framingham Score Underestimates Cardiovascular Risk for Dialysis Patients

A standard tool for predicting cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk greatly underestimates the true rate of heart disease among patients receiving dialysis for end-stage renal disease (ESRD).

Severity of Diabetes is Key Determinant of Heart Transplant Success

Having diabetes should not automatically disqualify you from being considered for a heart transplant, according to a study published in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association.