Diabetes Related Health News

News about conditions related to diabetes, or diseases that people with diabetes often have, such as neuropathy, kidney failure, Alzheimer’s disease, hypertension, heart disease, blindness and more.

Children’s Belly Fat Increases More Than 65 Percent Since 1990’s

The finding of growing girth is significant because abdominal obesity has emerged as a better predictor of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes risk than the more commonly used Body Mass Index.

Severity of Diabetes is Key Determinant of Heart Transplant Success

Having diabetes should not automatically disqualify you from being considered for a heart transplant, according to a study published in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association.

Severity of Diabetes is Key Determinant of Heart Transplant Success

Having diabetes should not automatically disqualify you from being considered for a heart transplant, according to a study published in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association.

ACE Inhibitors Reduce Kidney Disease Risk in Diabetics with High Blood Pressure

In diabetic patients with hypertension, ACE inhibitors reduce the risk of developing diabetes-related kidney disease, independent of their effect in lowering blood pressure, reports a study in the December Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.

Salt Intake Strongly Associated With Obesity

A study published in the journal "Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases" refutes the frequently repeated claims that a comprehensive salt reduction would not produce any overall health benefits, or would even increase diseases and shorten the life-span.

Study: Two-fold Higher Mortality from Cardiovascular Disease in Older People with Diabetes

A new study published in the international open-access medical journal PLoS Medicine, finds that older people with diabetes are much more likely to die from cardiovascular disease than their non-diabetic peers.

Study: Statins Reduce Risk of Stroke in Heart Patients

Statins can significantly reduce the incidence of stroke, myocardial infarction (MI), or all-cause death in patients with severe carotid arterial disease not revascularized, according to a new study.

Latest Weight-Loss Pill Offers Modest Results, Blocks

A new drug billed as a magic bullet for obesity does help people lose weight, although not that much weight, and also helps lower cardiac risk factors, according to a review of studies.

New, Minimally-Invasive Surgery for the Morbidly Obese

Three new studies demonstrated that transoral endoscopic surgical techniques, entering the abdomen through oral cavities such as the nose and mouth, can be successful in human patients.

Study: Antioxidant-Rich Pecans Protect Against Unhealthy Oxidation

Adding just a handful of pecans to your diet each day may inhibit unwanted oxidation of blood lipids, thus helping reduce the risk of heart disease.

Study: Genes and Diet Linked to Risk Factors for Heart Disease

Researchers have found another link among genes, heart disease and diet.

Study: Japanese Adults with Diabetes Have Increased Cancer Risk

Japanese adults with diabetes may have a higher risk of cancer overall and in several specific organs, including the liver, pancreas and kidney, according to results of a large study.

Study: Obesity Independently Impacts Prostate Cancer Screening

When interpreting prostate cancer screening test results, physicians should consider the impact of a patient's body mass index, regardless of race.

Study: Food or its Expectation Sparks Brain’s Hunger Centers

The concept of whetting the appetite by serving hors d'oeuvres before a meal may have a solid scientific basis, according to a new report.

Researchers: Turmeric’s (Curcumin) Fights Skin, Breast and Other Tumor Cells.

Looking for a cancer cure? Try the spice rack. In the last few years, that tactic has proved productive for researchers investigating turmeric, a curry spice used for centuries in Indian traditional medicine.

Study: Promising Antiobesity Drug Fails to Produce Clinically Meaningful Weight Loss

A drug designed to target a powerful hunger-stimulating factor that has long been considered a prime target for antiobesity therapy failed to produce clinically meaningful weight loss in obese people in a long-term clinical trial.