Study Examines Relationship Between Parental Perception Of Neighborhood Safety And Obesity
If mothers of preschoolers perceive their neighborhood as unsafe, their children tend to watch more television, but differ little in amounts of outdoor play or overweight, compared to peers in safer neighborhoods.
New Heart Failure Guidelines Stress Early Diagnosis And Treatment
Early diagnosis and new treatments can help battle heart failure -- a growing national problem that causes 1 million hospital admissions each year.
More Is Better, At Least In Angioplasty
Before patients get their clogged heart arteries re-opened, they may want to ask their doctor just how many such procedures he or she has done, a new study finds.
Healthy Weight Means Healthier Blood Lipid Profile In Children
Study shows maintaining a healthy weight in children may be one good way for them to keep a healthy blood lipid profile and grow up with a happy heart.
Slower Care For Heart Attack Patients Treated Off Hours And Weekends
Heart attack patients treated with primary percutaneous intervention at hospitals after hours and on weekends wait longer to receive clot busters and other treatments and have a higher risk of death than those treated during regular hours.
Overweight Kids Can Bounce Back To Normal Blood Pressure
Overweight children who can shed their puppy fat by age 14 can expect lower blood pressure, according to a University of Queensland study.
Action of Nitroglycerin For Chest Pain May Place Some Patients at Risk
Nitroglycerin relaxes blood vessels to boost blood flow, yet the mechanism by which the drug works has remained a matter of scientific controversy.
New Insights Into The Early Development Of Diabetes
A study provides new information on the early steps in the development of IR and suggests why insulin-resistant people easily gain weight.
Family Environment A Significant Predictor Of Adolescent Obesity
New ASU study examines the factors that contribute toward children becoming overweight or obese in early adulthood.
High Levels of Leisure-Time Physical Activity Cut Stroke Risk
High levels of physical activity, such as running, swimming or heavy gardening during leisure time can reduce your risk of stroke In addition, walking or biking to and from work for up to 29 minutes a day may also reduce the risk.
Bad Cholesterol: Genes Make The Difference
Why does it seem like some people can eat all the ice cream they want without increasing their cholesterol or gaining much weight? Because people's genes play an overriding role.
Prehypertension Triples Heart Attack Risk
People with prehypertension are at much higher risk of heart attack and heart disease, according to a study published in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association.
Waist Size Is Associated With The Metabolic Syndrome In Children
Waist circumference is associated with insulin resistance in children and may offer a simple way to identify children with risk factors for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
Obesity Has Effect On Disability, Not Life Expectancy, For Adults 70+
New research shows that obese adults who reach the age of 70 are at no greater risk of dying than their non-obese counterparts, but they do have a much greater probability of spending their remaining years disabled.
Obesity Lowers Likelihood of Receiving Preventive Health Care
Obese people are less likely to receive preventive services such as mammograms, Pap smears and flu shots from health care providers, according to an analysis of health care data.
Pancreatic Cancer Risk Higher In Newly Diagnosed Diabetes Patients 50 And Older; Findings Offer...
1 in 120 people newly diagnosed with diabetes age 50 and older have a higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer--a risk that is eight times more than expected for the general population.