Lots of Low-Fat Food is Better Than Small Portions of High-Fat Food
Diet of low-fat products is better than smaller portions of normal high-fat food for preventing diabetes in obese people.
Vitamins Do Little to Prevent Recurrent Stroke
A major national study testing whether high-dose vitamins could prevent another stroke found that the vitamins had little effect.
High Cholesterol Predicts Lower Mortality in Dialysis Patients But Is Not Protective
Kidney dialysis patients with higher cholesterol levels die at a lower rate than those with lower cholesterol levels.
Possible Mechanism For Link Between Diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease Discovered
Insulin resistance in brain cells can affect how they function, causing some of the biochemical changes typically seen in Alzheimer's disease.
Second Study Shows Link Between Cushing’s Syndrome and Obesity
Specific genetic markers may influence whether a person develops metabolic syndromes, collection of health risks that increase the chance of developing heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
Overweight Hispanic Youth Face Increased Risk of Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome
New research shows that large numbers of overweight Hispanic youth already have complications of obesity, including impaired glucose tolerance, which can lead to diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.
Researchers Define Role of Abnormal Muscle, Fat & Liver in Common Metabolic Disorder
Metabolic Syndrome, a cluster of health symptoms including obesity, high blood pressure and insulin resistance, puts one in four Americans at increased risk for diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
Joslin Study: It’s Never Too Late to Start Exercising and Losing Weight
A new study shows that obese adults who lost just 7 percent of their weight and did moderate-intensity physical exercise for six months improved their major blood vessel function by approximately 80 percent, regardless of whether or not they had type 2 diabetes.
Gastric Bypass Surgery Riskiest For Those Who Need It Most
A study of gastric bypass surgery patients is being highlighted as an important warning for people considering the procedure.
Stanford Researcher: Hassle-Free Stroke Prevention Offered By New Drug
People who take a commonly prescribed yet problematic drug called Coumadin to prevent stroke or blood clots may soon have a hassle-free alternative.
Caloric Sweetener Use Grows Worldwide; Soft Drinks are Chief Culprit
Use of caloric sweeteners, including sugar, has grown markedly around the world over the past 40 years
Simple Tests Could Signal and Prevent Heart Disease in Women
A few safe and simple tests could identify and possibly prevent coronary heart disease in middle-aged women.
Data Suggest Diabetics Have Worsening Symptoms Prior to Acute Cardiac Event
People with diabetes are two to four times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease due to a variety of risk factors.
Buckwheat May Be Beneficial For Managing Diabetes
Researchers have found new evidence that buckwheat, a grain used in making pancakes and soba noodles, may be beneficial in the management of diabetes.
Exercise, Not Diet, May Be Best Defense Against Heart Disease
Despite widespread attention to diet, calorie intake may not be a major factor in causing death by heart disease.
Role in Type 1 Diabetes Provides Clue for Researchers Who Discovered Obesity Gene
The discovery of a gene believed to be connected to morbid obesity has international origins and began as an exploration into the causes of Type I diabetes.