Starting Beta-Blocker Before Discharge in Patients Hospitalized for Heart Failure Increases Usage
Initiating low-dose beta-blockers prior to discharge in heart failure patients hospitalized for worsening symptoms significantly improves the use of a drug that has been shown in previous studies to reduce death and morbidity by more than 35 percent.
Evidence Shows Aspirin Reduces Risk of a First Heart Attack
Aspirin conclusively reduces the risk of a first heart attack by 32%, according to a new report.
Obesity Study Focuses on After-School Hours
Whether after-school hours filled with study, exercise and nutritious snacks can help turn around unprecedented obesity rates in children is the focus of a new study at the Medical College of Georgia.
Exercise Shown to Have Positive Effect On Cholesterol
For the first time, Duke University Medical Center researchers have demonstrated that exercise -- without accompanying weight loss -- has a positive impact on improving cholesterol levels.
Fast Cooking Diabetics May Be Able To Lower Risk Of Heart Disease
Cooking food for short periods of time, at minimum safe temperatures, may lower the risk of heart disease for diabetics according to a new study appearing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
New Study Shows Weight Loss Decreases ACE Enzyme That Controls Blood Pressure
New research suggests that losing even modest amounts of weight can pay off in better health.
Visceral Fat Loss After Dieting is Not Necessarily Responsible For Disease Risk Improvements
Weight-loss related changes in risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular disease are often linked to visceral fat, rather than other types of fat deposits, especially in people with different racial and ethnic backgrounds.
Nicotine By-Product Reacts with Proteins; May Contribute to The Pathology of Diabetes, Cancer, Aging,...
Two researchers have discovered that a chemical called nornicotine — which is naturally present in tobacco — may contribute to the pathology of diabetes, cancer, aging, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Exercise Helps Diabetics Control Heart-Related Problems
exercise physiologist suggests that exercise, mainly aerobic activity and weight training, may provide multiple solutions to heart problems.
In Blood Pressure Reduction, Below Standard is Good
Intensive lowering of blood pressure may be needed to gain the full benefit of the therapy on blood vessels, according to a recent study.
FDA Approves Avapro for Treatment of Diabetic Kidney Disease in People With High Blood...
FDA has approved Avapro for a new indication: the treatment of diabetic nephropathy in people who have hypertension and type 2 diabetes.
Ethnic, Gender Differences in Blood Pressure Also Seen in Youth
Even among healthy adolescents, differences exist between ethnic and gender groups that may predict high blood pressure without an identifiable cause, suggest the results of a study of black and white males and females.
Patients Often Miss Out On Nutrition Counseling, at Cost to Health
Nutrition counseling can make a difference in the health of high-risk patients, yet it takes place in a minority of primary care visits, according to a study.
Exhaustion’s Effect on Blood Increases Heart Attack Risk
A mental state known as vital exhaustion may increase blood clotting, helping to explain why it is associated with a heightened heart attack risk.
Genes Play a Role in Heart Function, May Determine Who Develops Heart Failure
Genes play a significant role in heart function, and may partly determine who develops the most common form of heart failure.
Greater Incidence of Obesity Among Adults with Disabling Conditions
As significant a problem as obesity is among the general population, it's an even greater problem for adults with disabling conditions.