4C foods has issued a national recall on several styles of grated cheese, which is also sold under the Cento brand, due to the risk of salmonella contamination – which can cause more serious illness in diabetics.

4C Foods Corp. is voluntarily recalling 4C Grated Cheese, Homestyle Grated Cheese, and Cento Grated Cheese Brands due to possible contamination with Salmonella.
Other 4C Foods products, including any other cheese products, are not impacted by this recall.
Salmonella is an organism that can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, people with diabetes, and others with weakened immune systems.
Healthy persons infected with Salmonella often experience fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. In rare circumstances, infection with Salmonella can result in the organism getting into the bloodstream and producing more severe illnesses.
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This recall was of a nationwide distribution and includes the following products, which were packed in 6 oz. vacuum-sealed glass jars, with BEST BY dates between November 12, 2016 and November 12, 2018 and packaged in cases of either 6 or 12 jars per case:
- 4C All Natural Parmesan Grated Cheese (UPC 41387-33126)
- 4C All Natural Parmesan/Romano Grated Cheese (UPC 41387-37126)
- 4C All Natural 100% Imported Italian Pecorino Romano Cheese (UPC 41387-77126)
- 4C HomeStyle All Natural Parmesan Grated Cheese (UPC 41387-32790)
- 4C HomeStyle All Natural Parmesan/Romano Grated Cheese (UPC 41387-11627)
- 4C HomeStyle All Natural 100% Imported Italian Pecorino Romano Cheese (UPC 41387-12302)
- Cento Parmesan Grated Cheese (UPC 70796-90502)
- Cento Romano Grated Cheese (UPC 70796-90501)
Although no illnesses have been reported, we are voluntarily recalling these products out of an abundance of caution after FDA testing revealed the issue.
Consumers are asked to return the product to the place of purchase for a full refund.
Retail stores and distributors are requested to immediately remove and discard any of the above items from the shelves and warehouses. 4C Foods Corp. will reach out to all retailers and distributors with additional information.
Please contact 4C Foods Corp. at 866-969-1920 Monday- Friday, 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM (Eastern Time), with any inquires.
This recall is being made with the knowledge of the US Food and Drug Administration.
Product Labels
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Source: FDA