Diabetes News

Latest news about type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetes, gestational diabetes and related health issues like hypertension (high blood pressure), kidney disease, eye disease, neuropathy and more. Diabetes news for diabetics, physicians and caregivers.

People with Type 1 Diabetes Live Longer with Early Blood Glucose Control

People with type 1 diabetes who intensively control their blood glucose (blood sugar) early in their disease are likely to live longer than those who do not.

Study: Many Older Adults May Be Overtreated for Diabetes

A substantial proportion of older adults may be overtreated for diabetes because insulin and sulfonylureas can lead to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Women Doubles Diabetes Risk

Women with post-traumatic stress disorder are nearly twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes compared with women who don't have PTSD.

1-in-3 Type 1 Diabetics Still Produce Insulin Years After Being Diagnosed

About one-third of type 1 diabetics (T1D) produce insulin even upward of forty years from initial diagnosis, according to a new study.

Most Popular Drug for Diabetes May be Safer for Patients with Kidney Disease Than...

The most popular treatment for type 2 diabetes may be safer for patients with mild to moderate kidney disease than guidelines suggest, according to a new review.

American Diabetes Association Changes Guidelines for Statin Use for Diabetics to Prevent Heart Disease

The American Diabetes Association is recommending a less stringent diastolic blood pressure target for people with diabetes and that all people with diabetes take either moderate or high doses of statins.

Type 1 Diabetics’ Blood Sugar Defense Mechanisms Restored After Islet Cell Transplantation

Type 1 diabetics who have developed low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) as a complication of insulin treatments over time are able to regain normal internal recognition of the condition after receiving pancreatic islet cell transplantation.

For Type 2 Diabetics: Increased Risk of Death Linked to Insulin Dosage

Researchers were able to show a correlation between patients treated with a higher dosage of insulin and a raised risk of cancer development, heart attacks and stroke.

Diabetic Patients at Risk From Even Mild Coronary Artery Disease

According to a new long-term study, diabetic patients with even mild coronary artery disease face the same relative risk for a heart attack or other major adverse heart events as diabetics with serious single-vessel obstructive disease.

Study: Routine Imaging Screening of Diabetic Patients for Heart Disease Not Effective

According to a major new study, routine heart imaging screenings for people with diabetes at high risk to experience a cardiac event, but who have no symptoms of heart disease, does not help them avoid heart attacks, hospitalization for unstable angina or cardiac death.

Higher Risk of Developing Atherosclerosis Among Diabetic Men with Low Testosterone

Men who have low testosterone and Type 2 diabetes face a greater risk of developing atherosclerosis - a condition where plaque builds up in the arteries - than men who have diabetes and normal testosterone levels.

Study: Sunshine May Slow Weight Gain and Onset of Diabetes

Exposure to moderate amounts of sunshine may slow the development of obesity and diabetes, a study suggests.

New Skin Patch Drug Shows Promise in Healing Diabetic Foot Ulcers and Preventing Amputations

A research team has developed a drug delivered through a skin patch that not only helps foot wounds heal better, but also prevents those wounds from recurring

Side Effects of Diabetes Medication May Be Reduced with Light-Activated Drug

Scientists have created a drug for type 2 diabetes that is switched on by blue light, which they hope will improve treatment of the disease.

Researchers Discover a ‘Good’ Fat That Fights Diabetes

Scientists have discovered a new class of molecules—produced in human and mouse fat—that protects against diabetes.

Researchers Turn Human Embryonic Stem Cells Into Billions of Human Insulin Producing Cells

Researchers announced that they have made a giant leap forward in the quest to find a truly effective treatment for type 1 diabetes.