Food and Diabetes News

News about food as it relates to diabetes and diabetes-related health issues, like obesity, cholesterol, heart disease and more.

Caloric Sweetener Use Grows Worldwide; Soft Drinks are Chief Culprit

Use of caloric sweeteners, including sugar, has grown markedly around the world over the past 40 years

Crusty Foods May Worsen Cardiovascular Disease Associated with Diabetes

A study suggests avoiding cooking methods that produce the kind of crusty bits you'd find on a grilled hamburger, especially if you have diabetes and know you're at increased risk for cardiovascular disease because of your diagnosis.

Study: Cholesterol-Lowering Foods Most Effective When Combined

Cholesterol-lowering foods such as soy protein, almonds, plant sterol enriched margarines, oats and barley may reduce cholesterol levels more effectively when eaten in combination.

Mega-Brands Have Mega Influence On Dietary Behavior

Mega-brands continue to rack up billions of dollars in sales each year. What is the secret to their success?

Fast-Food Restaurant Calorie Listings May Meet Labeling Requirements But They Don’t do a Good...

Calorie listings on fast-food chain restaurant menus might meet federal labeling requirements but don't do a good job of helping consumers trying to make healthy meal choices.

Are Holiday and Weekend Eating Patterns Affecting Obesity Rates?

University of Pittsburgh marketing professor suggests incorporating guidelines for weekend and holiday eating into food pyramid.

Researchers: Turmeric’s (Curcumin) Fights Skin, Breast and Other Tumor Cells.

Looking for a cancer cure? Try the spice rack. In the last few years, that tactic has proved productive for researchers investigating turmeric, a curry spice used for centuries in Indian traditional medicine.

Caloric Restriction Appears To Prevent Primary Aging In The Heart

Eating a very low-calorie yet nutritionally balanced diet is good for your heart. Studying heart function in members of an organization called the Caloric Restriction Society, investigators found that their hearts functioned like the hearts of much younger people.

Convenience Leads to Childhood Obesity

Two of the biggest influences on children - parents and schools - may unintentionally contribute to childhood obesity.

Nationwide Organic Standards To Be Launched October 21st

USDA organic seal will appear on produce and packaged food nationwide for the first time to indicate that the product meets federal standards.

Cooking Sweet Corn Boosts its Ability to Fight Cancer and Heart Disease

Hurrah for hominy. Cooking sweet corn, whether you cream it, steam it or keep it on the cob, unleashes beneficial nutrients that can substantially reduce the chance of heart disease and cancer.

High Fructose Consumption by Adolescents May Put Them at Cardiovascular Risk

Evidence of cardiovascular disease and diabetes risk is present in the blood of adolescents who consume a lot of fructose, a scenario that worsens in the face of excess belly fat, researchers report.

Study: Black Tea Soothes Away Stress

Daily cups of tea can help you recover more quickly from the stresses of everyday life, according to a new study.

Parents Shape Whether Their Children Learn to Eat Fruits and Vegetables

One way to combat the increasing problem of childhood obesity is early home interventions - teaching parents how to create an environment where children reach for a banana instead of potato chips.

Combining Key Ingredients of Vegetarian Diet Cuts Cholesterol Significantly, Says Study

A diet combining a handful of known cholesterol-lowering plant components cut bad cholesterol by close to 30-percent in a recent study.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Prevent Medical Complications of Obesity

Study shows how omega-3 fatty acids protect against liver damage and insulin resistance.