Higher Cardiovascular Death Risk for People with Metabolic Syndrome
About 22.9 percent of adults in the United States have metabolic syndrome and a new study shows that they are more likely to die...
Hba1C Levels Did Not Improve After Personalized Education and Assessment from Ophthalmologist
Personalized education and risk assessment for people with diabetes visiting the ophthalmologist did not improve hemoglobin A1c levels or glycemic control. Providing personalized education and...
New Treatment Opportunity to Help Preserve Vision in Diabetics
Joslin research boosts evidence for a new class of treatments to help preserve vision in people with diabetes, including diabetic macular edema and retinopathy. Diabetic...
Food Industry Failing to Improve Quality of Foods Advertised to Children
According to new study, food industry self-regulation has been unsuccessful and has achieved only baby steps in improving nutritional quality of foods advertised to...
Late-Night Snacking: Your Fault or Your Brain’s Fault?
Researchers are shedding new light on why you, your friends, neighbors and most everyone you know tend to snack at night. After gobbling the fourth...
Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients at Higher Risk of Surprise Heart Attack
If you have rheumatoid arthritis, then you are at an increased risk of a surprise heart attack - which means you had no symptoms...
Eat with a Light Eater and You Will Eat Less
According to a new study, the amount your dining companions eat influences how much you will eat. Learn about what researchers call social modelling. How...
Are Statins Causing Diabetes? Disturbing Link Found.
Patients that were prescribed statins were 87% more likely to develop diabetes, even though they were free of heart disease, diabetes, and other severe...
New Link Discovered Between Diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease
More evidence has been found that links Alzheimer's, which is a disease that robs people of their memories, and elevated blood sugar levels. Researchers have...
Brains of Type 1 Diabetics Show Signs of Accelerated Aging
People with type 1 diabetes show signs of accelerated aging and slower information processing. Study suggests that middle-aged type 1 diabetics should be screened...
Just 2-Minutes of Walking Per Hour Offsets the Hazards of Sitting
Standing may not be enough to offset the hazards of sitting for long periods of time, but adding as little as 2-minutes of walking...
Simple Device for Sleep Apnea Lowers Diabetes Risk
Pre-diabetics are at increased risk for developing diabetes and many also have untreated sleep apnea. There is a simple device that can reduce the...
Protein That Normally Aids Tissue Repair Inhibits Healing When Sugar Levels are High Instead
New study finds that a protein that normally fosters tissue repair instead acts to inhibit healing when sugar levels are high. The role reversal...
Common Diabetes Drug Found in Freshwater Causing Male Fish to Produce Eggs
A commonly taken medicine for Type 2 diabetes being found in freshwater systems worldwide has been shown to cause intersex in fish - male...
Research Shows Link Between Diabetes, Heart Disease and Cancer
There are a number of risk factors shared between diabetes, ischemic heart disease, and several different types of cancer. In a major symposium at the...
New Stroke Treatment Increases Positive Outcomes as Much as 60-percent
A procedure called endovascular therapy (ET) for ischemic stroke is the best treatment option for many patients by reducing the incidents of disability. A research...