Diabetes Related Health News

News about conditions related to diabetes, or diseases that people with diabetes often have, such as neuropathy, kidney failure, Alzheimer’s disease, hypertension, heart disease, blindness and more.

Diabetes Medication May Help Decrease BMI in Obese Adolescents

Metformin XR appears to cause a small but significant decrease in body mass index (BMI) in non-diabetic obese adolescents when combined with a lifestyle intervention program.

Most Parents Don’t Realize Their 4- or 5-Year-Olds are Overweight or Obese

Half of the mothers who took part in a study thought that their obese four or five year-old was normal weight, as did 39 per cent of the fathers.

Newly Identified Genes Influence Insulin and Glucose Regulation, 5 variants raise type 2 diabetes...

Researchers found 13 new genetic variants that influence blood glucose regulation, insulin resistance, and the function of insulin-secreting beta cells in populations of European descent. Five of the variants increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Diabetic Eye Disease More Severe in African-Americans Who Consume More Calories, Sodium

High intakes of calories and sodium appear to be associated with the progression of retinal disease among African American patients with diabetes.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea May Worsen Diabetes

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) adversely affects glucose control in patients with type 2 diabetes, according to a study conducted by researchers at the University of Chicago.

Strict Blood Sugar Control in Some Diabetics Does Not Lower Heart Attack, Stroke Risk

Strictly controlling blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetics with long-term, serious coexisting health problems such as heart disease and hypertension does not lower their risk of a heart attack or stroke.

Are Holiday and Weekend Eating Patterns Affecting Obesity Rates?

University of Pittsburgh marketing professor suggests incorporating guidelines for weekend and holiday eating into food pyramid.

Type 2 Diabetes Gene Predisposes Children to Obesity

Pediatric researchers have found that a gene already implicated in the development of type 2 diabetes in adults also raises the risk of being overweight during childhood.

Sugary Cola Drinks Linked for First Time to Higher Risk of Gestational Diabetes

Researchers have found for the first time that drinking more than 5 servings of sugar-sweetened cola a week prior to pregnancy appears to significantly elevate the risk of developing diabetes during pregnancy.

Beneficial Effects of Alcohol: Researchers Urge Caution on Recent Results

According a new study of over 3,000 adults aged 70-79, the apparent association between light-to-moderate alcohol consumption and reduced risk of functional decline over time did not hold up after adjustments were made for characteristics related to lifestyle, in particular physical activity, body weight, education, and income.

Ethnic Background May Be Associated with Diabetes Risk

Fat and muscle mass, as potentially determined by a person's ethnic background, may contribute to diabetes risk.

Healthy Neighborhoods May Be Associated with Lower Diabetes Risk

Individuals living in neighborhoods conducive to physical activity and providing access to healthy foods may have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes in a five-year period.

Bundling 2 Low-Cost Heart Drugs Prevents Heart Attack and Stroke in Large, Diverse Population

A program that bundled two generic, low-cost drugs and gave daily doses to diabetics or heart disease sufferers is estimated to have prevented heart attacks and strokes in the first year.

Size of Fat Cells and Waist Size Predict Type 2 Diabetes in Women

New, long-range research shows that large abdominal fat cells and/or waist-to-height ratios are key indicators of future diabetes.

Vine May Be a Valuable Dietary Supplement for Metabolic Syndrome

A fast-growing vine that has gobbled up some 10 million acres in the Southeast, may prove to be a valuable dietary supplement for metabolic syndrome.

Exercise Alone Improves Insulin Sensitivity in Obese Sedentary Adolescents

A moderate aerobic exercise program, without weight loss, can improve insulin sensitivity in both lean and obese sedentary adolescents.