Fructose-Sweetened Drinks Increase Nonfasting Triglycerides in Obese Adults
Obese people who drink fructose-sweetened beverages with their meals have an increased rise of triglycerides following the meal, according to new research.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids Prevent Medical Complications of Obesity
Study shows how omega-3 fatty acids protect against liver damage and insulin resistance.
Give the Foie Gras a Miss: Stressed Foodstuffs Associated with Type 2 Diabetes and...
Harmful proteins fragments known as amyloid fibrils associated with damage to brain cells in Alzheimer's disease and to pancreatic cells in Type II diabetes can be present in the meat of poultry and mammals.
Growth Hormone Treatment After Weight Loss Surgery Prevents Loss of Muscle Mass
Growth hormone treatment for six months after weight loss surgery reduces patients' losses in lean body mass and skeletal muscle mass, according to a new study.
Study of Adverse Effects of Statins Release: Muscle and Cognitive Problems Listed
Statin Study group cites nearly 900 studies on the adverse effects of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins), a class of drugs widely used to treat high cholesterol.
Regular Three-Minute Workout Boosts Metabolism
A regular high-intensity, three-minute workout has a significant effect on the body's ability to process sugars.
Genes Discovered That Increase Risk Of Severe Obesity In Kids And Adults
Researchers have drawn a map of genetic risk factors that can lead to two forms of severe obesity: early-onset obesity in children, and morbid obesity in adults.
Early Childhood Diet May Influence Future Health, Diabetes
If you have trouble keeping weight off and you're wondering why - the surprising answer may well be the cheeseburgers you ate - when you were a toddler.
Low-Dose Aspirin Does Not Appear to Reduce Risk of CV Events in Patients with...
Low-dose aspirin as primary prevention did not appear to significantly reduce the risk of a combined end point of coronary, cerebrovascular and peripheral vascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes, according to a new study in JAMA. However, aspirin did significantly reduce the combination of fatal coronary and fatal cerebrovascular events.
Researchers Fear Sports May Be Hazardous to Fans’ Health
Die-hard sports fans may be risking heart attack, stroke, diabetes, cancer and premature death because of unhealthy lifestyle choices that seem to go along with rooting for favorite sports teams.
Metabolic Syndrome Ups Colorectal Cancer Risk
In a large U.S. population-based study, metabolic syndrome patients had a 75 percent higher risk of colorectal cancer compared to those without metabolic syndrome.
MSG Use Linked to Obesity
People who use monosodium glutamate, or MSG, as a flavor enhancer in their food are more likely than people who don't use it to be overweight or obese even though they have the same amount of physical activity and total calorie intake.
Overweight Hispanic Children at Significant Risk for Pre-Diabetes
Study found that overweight Hispanic children are at significant risk for pre-diabetes, a condition marked by higher than normal blood glucose levels that are not yet high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes.
Parents Shape Whether Their Children Learn to Eat Fruits and Vegetables
One way to combat the increasing problem of childhood obesity is early home interventions - teaching parents how to create an environment where children reach for a banana instead of potato chips.
Triglycerides Count in Managing Heart Disease Risk
Cholesterol, both good and bad, gets plenty of attention when the subject is reducing the risk of heart disease. Yet triglycerides, a form of fat that circulates in the blood, merit similar attention.
Some Obese Individuals Appear Metabolically Healthy
Some obese individuals do not appear to have an increased risk for heart disease, while some normal-weight individuals experience a cluster of heart risks.