Diabetes Related Health News

News about conditions related to diabetes, or diseases that people with diabetes often have, such as neuropathy, kidney failure, Alzheimer’s disease, hypertension, heart disease, blindness and more.

Some Obese Individuals Appear Metabolically Healthy

Some obese individuals do not appear to have an increased risk for heart disease, while some normal-weight individuals experience a cluster of heart risks.

Fish Oil Prevents Potentially Deadly Decline in Heart Rate Variability

A two-gram fish oil supplement given daily to elderly persons prevented a decline in heart rate variability caused by tiny, dangerous airborne pollutant particles.

Researchers Cite Recent Advances In Underlying Causes Of Rare Body-Fat Disorders

Researchers hope to discover new therapeutic approaches to prevent the loss of fat tissues and prevent or possibly delay the onset of metabolic complications.

Exhaustion’s Effect on Blood Increases Heart Attack Risk

A mental state known as vital exhaustion may increase blood clotting, helping to explain why it is associated with a heightened heart attack risk.

Alert: FDA Issues Public Health Advisory For Trasylol

Trasyolol (aprotinin injection), a drug used to prevent blood loss during surgery, has been linked in two scientific publications to higher risks of serious side effects.

Research Sheds New Light On Dangers Of High Cholesterol

Research has shed new light on the role that cholesterol plays in causing heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular events in humans.

New Measure Trumps HDL Levels in Protecting Against Heart Disease

Recent findings have called into question the notion that pharmacologic increases in HDL cholesterol levels are necessarily beneficial to patients.

Survey: Some People Would Give Life or Limb Not To Be Fat

Nearly half of the people responding to an online survey about obesity said they would give up a year of their life rather than be fat.

Study Could Lead To A Novel Strategy For Treating Obesity: Fatty-Acids

Results of study suggest that restoring fatty-acid levels in the brain may be a promising way to treat obesity.

Researchers Home in on Obesity Gene and Offer Explanation for Overeating

Researchers have identified the role of``a gene which may explain why some people overeat and become obese.

Obesity Lowers Likelihood of Receiving Preventive Health Care

Obese people are less likely to receive preventive services such as mammograms, Pap smears and flu shots from health care providers, according to an analysis of health care data.

Consuming More Calories and Fats May Be Associated With A Higher Risk of Alzheimer...

Eating more calories and fats may contribute to an increased risk of Alzheimer disease in some people, according to an article in the August issue of The Archives of Neurology.

Researchers Identify Pathway That Helps Keep Weight in Check

A study offers a new explanation for how the brain makes adjustments to the body's metabolic rate to prevent extra calories from turning into extra pounds.

Pre-Diabetics Face Heightened Risk of Heart Disease

Older adults who have impaired glucose tolerance but who are not considered diabetic are at elevated risk for heart disease and may benefit from preventive therapies.

Study: Mental Stress Effects On Heart More Common Than Previously Known

Even when heart disease patients can pass stress tests done on a treadmill or with chemical stressors after treatment, their hearts may still suffer silent ischemia during mental stress.

Fruits and Vegetables Overlooked by Healing Heart Patients

Even after a heart attack or bypass operation, some cardiac patients say no to beneficial fruits and vegetables as well as obviously harmful dietary fat.