First Clinical Trial of Red Wine Ingredient Shows Beneficial Metabolic Shifts
When obese men take a relatively small dose of resveratrol in purified form every day for a month, their metabolisms change for the better.
Raising ‘Good’ Cholesterol Levels Reduces Heart Attack and Stroke Risk in Diabetics
ncreasing levels of high-density lipoproteins, better known as HDL or "good" cholesterol, reduced the risk for heart attack and stroke among patients with diabetes.
Coronary Calcium Levels in Diabetics Strongly Linked to Heart Attack Risk
Notable levels of calcium buildup in coronary arteries can be strong predictors of heart attacks and strokes in people with diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
Even with Regular Exercise, People with Inactive Lifestyles are More at Risk for Chronic...
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 25 percent of Americans have inactive lifestyles and 75 percent do not meet the weekly exercise recommendations to maintain good health.
Increased Risk of Heart Disease for Arthritis Sufferers
A new study showed that the risk of cardiovascular disease for people with RA is due to disease-related inflammation as well as the risk factors which affect the general population.
Test May Help Predict Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Events in Diabetics
Measuring hemoglobin A1c (HbA 1c) levels in patients with diabetes is associated with improvement in models for predicting risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD).
Higher Daily Aspirin Dose Could Help Prevent Heart attacks for Diabetics
In some cases, an apple a day may keep the doctor away, but for people with diabetes, regular, over-the-counter Aspirin may also do the job.
Side Effects of Diabetes Drug Traced to Fat Action
For better or worse, a popular class of anti-diabetic drugs does more than lower blood sugar.
Prolonged TV Viewing Linked to Higher Risk of Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease
According to a new study, prolonged TV viewing was associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and premature death.
Extensive TV Watching Linked with Increased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes, CVD and All-Cause...
In an analysis of data from several studies, watching television for 2-3 hours per day or more was associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, fatal and nonfatal cardiovascular disease and all-cause death.
Newly Found Form of Cholesterol is Super-Sticky and ‘Ultra-Bad’
Scientists have discovered why a newly found form of cholesterol seems to be 'ultra-bad', leading to increased risk of heart disease.
Teenagers with Type 2 Diabetes Show Signs of Impaired Heart Function
Heart function may be affected in people with Type 2 diabetes as early as adolescence, according to a new study.
Substance in Tangerines Fights Obesity and Protects Against Heart Disease
New research has discovered a substance in tangerines not only prevents obesity, but also offers protection against type 2 diabetes, and even atherosclerosis.
Study Suggests High Consumption of Omega-3’s Reduces Obesity-Related Disease Risk
A study suggests that a high intake of omega-3 fats from fish helps prevent obesity-related chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.
Bariatric Surgery Reduces Long-Term Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes Patients
Bariatric surgery has been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patients with diabetes.
Obesity Has Doubled Since 1980, Major Global Analysis of Risk Factors Reveals
The worldwide prevalence of obesity has nearly doubled since 1980, according to a major study on how three important heart disease risk factors have changed across the world over the last three decades.