Diabetes Related Health News

News about conditions related to diabetes, or diseases that people with diabetes often have, such as neuropathy, kidney failure, Alzheimer’s disease, hypertension, heart disease, blindness and more.

Discover Could Prevent or Treat Diabetes and Obesity

Nischarin May Treat or Prevent Diabetes and Obesity

Researchers discovered the ability of Nischarin to treat or prevent metabolic diseases including obesity and diabetes.
Diabetes shifts the oral microbiome

Diabetes Shift Oral Microbiome, Fosters Periodontitis, Bone Loss Around Teeth

A new study led by University of Pennsylvania researchers has found that the oral microbiome is affected by diabetes, causing a shift to increase...

High Cholesterol Linked to Tendon Problems and Pain

If you have high cholesterol, then you may be at a higher risk of developing tendon problems, low level inflammation and pain. High levels of...
Pancreatic Cancer and Diabetes - Race

Diabetes May Signal Early Pancreatic Cancer, but Race Matters

A diagnosis of diabetes may also come with a more than threefold risk for developing pancreatic cancer for people, depending on their race.
Dorsal Root Ganglion - Diabetic Neuropathy

Phototherapy Used to Combat Neuropathic Pain

As diabetes progresses, the structure of the sciatic nerve's myelin sheath changes - but after four sessions of laser therapy treatment, researchers found that...
Diabetes and Fragile Bones

Causes of Diabetes Induced Bone Fragility Include Certain Drugs

Expert IOF review explains why people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are at higher risk of bone fragility, including the effect...
Journal of Women's Health - Aspirin, Diabetes and Breast Cancer

Low-Dose Aspirin Cuts Breast Cancer Risk for Diabetic Women

Study of women with diabetes showed a reduced breast cancer risk for women who used low-dose aspirin compared to those who did not.

For Type 2 Diabetics, Wine Improves Sugar Control, Cholesterol and Heart Health

Drinking a glass of red wine every day as part of a healthy diet can help patients with type 2 diabetes improve cardiac health...
Plavix Heart Disease Risk

Blood-thinning Medicine Plavix Doesn’t Change Risk of Death

The FDA has issued a statement about their review of the affect the blood-thinning drug Plavix has on the risk of death in patients...

Metformin May Reduce Risk of Open-Angle Glaucoma in Diabetic Patients

A new study finds that taking the medication metformin hydrochloride was associated with reduced risk of developing the sight-threatening disease open-angle glaucoma in people...
Photo - Testing for Peripherial Nerve Damage

Peripheral Nerve Damage Discovery: New Hope for Diabetics

New discovery could lead to effective repair therapies for those suffering peripheral nerve damage and offers hope to millions of people with diabetes. Research published...
New Blood Thinner Better than Aspirin for Blood Clots

Blood Thinner Rivaroxaban Beats Aspirin for Clots and Thromboembolism

A McMaster University study discovered that the blood thinner rivaroxaban is better at preventing future blood clots than aspirin, and just as safe. An international...
Viagra for prediabetes

Viagra for Diabetes? Study Says It Improves Insulin Sensitivity and More.

A new study has found that sildenafil (brand name: Viagra) improves insulin sensitivity in individuals with prediabetes and also lowers a marker of heart,...
Photo of Bedside Dialysis - Finding May Delay Dialysis for Millions with Type 2 Diabetes

3 Factors Speed Up the Need for Dialysis in Type 2 Diabetics

Researchers have found 3 risk factors that determine whether a person with type 2 diabetes will need dialysis decades earlier than others. Patients with diabetes...
UVA Health Calculator - Free Health Tool Calculates Risk of Heart Disease and Diabetes

Online Tool Predicts Heart Disease, Diabetes Risk Better

Online risk calculator, also being called an internet crystal ball, proves to be more accurate than method traditionally used by doctors in predicting heart...
Depression and Diabetes

Diabetics More Likely to Die from Alcohol, Accidents or Suicide

A recent study provides some insight as to why diabetic patients are more likely to die from alcohol-related factors, accidents or suicide.